Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dream Activation Tips #1


Your current circumstances has nothing to do with your potential success or failure, but your deep seated beliefs!


When I woke up this morning I could tell it would be a good day. After launching my Dream Action Program Beta and going through the constant nerves after, I knew that my negative expectations was the main reason for my nervousness. I'm not in the best position so that made me feel that I wouldn't be successful. I've done launches before of projects I loved that never made real traction. At those times I felt then that I wasn't in the best position and things were stressful, and when I felt like my project had failed I linked it to my circumstances.

However, this morning when I made my connection to my past "failures" and my circumstances at the time a brilliant reminder popped in my head. My circumstances has nothing to do with my success, but my thoughts, feelings and beliefs have EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT. Once I reminded myself that my current situation have nothing to do if I fail or succeed, I knew it would be a good day because I will no longer look at my situation and instantly think I've already failed. But I will feel in my heart that I'm already successful because I launched a project that I'm passionate about, and that is all that counts. I'm choosing to believe something different despite everything!

So, whatever you are going through right now, especially an intense situation, remind yourself that your surroundings does not define your ability to create something great! You have everything you need right now to create all that you need to get to the next step and be abundant, radiant, peaceful, happy and secure, no matter what is going on around you!

Believe in your dreams!
Dream Activation!

Learn how to kick your negative beliefs in the ass with my new Dream Action Program
Schedule your free consultation by contacting me at innerchildreadings@hotmail.com

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