Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Archangel Michael's take on fear of success

I did this reading on myself during or at the end of hurricane Irene going through my city. I forgot my original intent in this reading but I know that Michael wanted to talk to me so I did a reading. After I did the reading Michael wanted to do another one but for people in general, so a few days later when I was in the mood I did the reading below.  

Positive thoughts create positive results

Michael says that indeed positive thoughts create positive results. He says that we must keep thinking positive thoughts to really give them power. Sometimes one thought isn't enough but simple reminders throughout the day of what you want to happen. Not just your affirmations gives them more attraction power but you are reminding yourself of something beneficial that will keep your spirits high.

That is why beliefs are so powerful, because you don't even have to remind yourself of your wants, you believe that they will happen so its automatic. When you believe something its much easier to achieve because there isn't constant doubts or worries. When you believe something you make it real in your reality that is above your head. A place where everyone's imagination is stored and kept. When you imagine something, that energy is stored there and is around your aura. That's why its so easy for readers (psychic's, card readers, intuitives) to tell you about your situation. Your aura and vibration is soaking up that energy from your imagination, intentions, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

Thus that vibration is attracting exactly what you are storing in your thoughts and feelings. So the next time you want something or don't want something to happen think about what you are feeding your imagination. Good thoughts and beliefs will lead to good things and negative thoughts will lead to negative things.

If you are in the middle of the road things can be mixed in results, depending on what your sole focus is. The point is to think better thoughts then what you don't want or would like to have. So you can be a physical magnet attracting mulit-physical energies and eventually completely real situations that you want to play out.

Go forward fearlessly

Michael is saying that we can't fear the things we want. Its a mental block that will slow things down for you from the inside out. The best why to overcome your fears of your success is to imagine them and playing them it out. The bad and good feelings will show themselves as you dig deeper and deeper into your consciousness and sub-consciousness. When you feel those bad feelings like dread, disappointment, doubt, and fear you must tell yourself how special you are. That you have the ability to achieve anything, even if you are afraid of it. If you don't believe in yourself the results will be lack luster at best and you will hit constant walls.

 Face your fears and really flesh them out so you know completely how and why you feel this way about your success. Once you know your fears inside and out it will be an easier journey for you to achieve your desires of all kinds.

Your fears is always success waiting to be achieved, if you fear something especially success that's one more reason to move forward just as fast towards it. Fear is always greatness yet discovered even if that fear is silly in nature.

Pay attention to your dreams

Michael is urging us all to pay attention to our dreams. Not the one that we have at night (though its important to pay attention to those dreams too!) but our physical dreams, the very thing that we were born to do!

He is saying that its more important then ever to truly take care of ourselves and the best why to do that is to achieve all of our dreams. Do the things that we want to do and be free of self imposing restrictions that we put ourselves through.

When we have dreams that is literally our soul telling us what we came here to do. Even if the first step or the first thought is different the end result its still worthy of your attention.

The best way to get started with any goal or dream is to be committed to strive for it. That means going out your way to do things that you didn't think you would do to get there. Often when we want success we will always be put in a position where we will have to come out of our comfort zone. Since most big lifetime dreams are bigger then ourselves we have to be more then we thought we could be to get to them. Even obstacles can show us that we can be more then we can imagine.

No matter what happens good or bad its always one more step that shows us who we are, what we want, and if we are truly dedicated to our dream. Even if things don't work out as we want them too, perseverance will always take us to our dream, and is often the most important element to have when you are striving for your dreams.

The angels also want to mention that no matter what you go through in life that the angels are always around. Even if it feels good to vent, blame, curse, or even yell to/at them, its okay to let those emotions out.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Manual of power for the artist

 I posted this on my craft blog and other art sites I'm on. This resulted of sick and tired of seeing so many artist disabling themselves to become the people they want to be.

Dear artists of the world,

Where do I even start? I come online everyday and more likely then not I have to hear yet another person's trails and tribulations about "being an artist". Its either in trying to find a style, trying to stay true to yourself, wanting more criticism, telling people to piss off because of criticism, trying to be popular, wanting to live off by doing what they love, and/or thousand other things.

When the rubber hits the road us artists can agree that being an artist is FUCKING HARD. God forbid if you're on the internet trying to make your way because so many of us is left behind in the dust while a select few makes their dreams come true. Tough world, eat it or get out. Don't be an artist if you can't take consist shit and bricks to your emotional face. Don't even start if you can't handle being judged by the world by what and how you draw (or other wise) because that's basically what you're doing from that moment on...

That last paragraph you just read. Is a complete lie... Everything, every single word, your mind just got blown (or not).

Being an artist is NOT HARD, YOU CAN make your own way on the internet, YOU CAN become popular. YOU CAN MAKE A LIVING BY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE. It is all possible and very achievable for anyone that wants it, but there is one thing standing in your way. Yourself and what you THINK you can and can not do aka your beliefs!

What you think and believe directs your outcome of your life as an artist and life itself.

Think about that second paragraph again. Did you agree with one or more statements, did it completely resonate with you because that's the same thing you have been going though? Well, we are about to punch every single one of those statements in the face twice, but you have to promise to have A LOT of patience with yourself because this is just the beginning. The beginning to finding your own magical world where your true artistic abilities are held and everything else that you ever wanted.

First and foremost stop what your doing, for god's sake get off the internet and bust out some lined paper and a pencil to reinvent yourself! Write down every single thing that you want as an artist and just as a person.

This is not the time to be "humble", you can be humble when your dead, if you want popularity then write it down! If you want to make a lot of money by drawing (or any craft) write it in all caps, engrave it in your mind! Write down every single thing that you want to have right now.

How do you feel about all your aspirations and dreams? Does it feel good just to write them or are you nervous because you made the greatest of sins for wanting so much? Either way, listen to your feelings because they are telling you something. Something important about yourself and how you approach the world.

Write those feelings down or just express them. Good, bad, sadness, or depression it doesn't matter just write them down. Don't just write the emotions down, write the "reason" behind the feelings. Does those feelings come from other people's opinions? Did those feelings resulted in what you were told, or what you assumed in the world? Write the whole story down, make it real again and feel those emotions again.

All those icky feelings, opinions, and beliefs you have about yourself, as an artist or just as a person is the very reason why you can't get what you want. You literally built a stone box (aka your feelings and beliefs) around you blocking you from the sunshine that you seek. You chiseled and chiseled at a small part of that wall to invite a small ray of light. Then you go to another part of the wall and try again. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. But out of the "whole world" that is out there the most you get are the small rays of yellow light. Don't down your rays of light, be proud of them that you can chisel through a godly tough stone wall to get them.

But you're craving more light, more sun, and more of "what is out there" in your unique world of talent. Don't down that part either, if you want more then you are a natural non-corrupted human being. Don't let others (people around you, the media, yourself) tell you that "wanting more" is wrong. Wanting more is grabbing what you have and adding more to it, making it bigger and better then what it was before. So if you want more, say it loud and proud!

Okay, so we out lined what we do want and how we felt about it. We focused on the negative feelings and how its trapping us in this "stone box". Now its time to turn that stone box into a "glass box"! Where you can see your full potential, live in front of you. You can see your dreams literally taking shape and playing back to you like you're in a wicked movie theater. The best part of the glass box is that you don't have to chisel at it for god knows how long just to get a taste of it, you can simply tap the glass and watch the barrier fall.

Before we start, all those harsh feelings from before? Let the emotions go, write/draw/paint your negativity on a piece of paper then throw it in the trash. Tell yourself "I am no longer holding these emotions against myself, thank you for telling me what I needed to work on in myself, you are free to go!". Say it as many times as you want till you're ready to throw some positivity in your new artist self!

Take out another piece of paper and write down your dreams (shorten version if you want) and why it is possible to achieve those dreams! This might be hard for some since we were so focused on the "reality" of things but this is where you rewrite "your" reality.
Where you change your beliefs about what can and can't happen in your life. When you are writing your reasons why, make those reasons real, feel that positive energy about yourself. That is key because if you can feel it, then its real to you in some form. The realer you make it, the more achievable it is!

Make yourself feel good about your dreams and how you can easily get to them. Get that huge ego and embrace it because its telling you, you can do ANYTHING and you don't even have to work hard. When you are positive about something, you are making it real and accessible to come into your life. Things come "out the blue" when your positive, things just go smoothly, and ideas just work out when you're upbeat in mood. Where when you are negative about something the opposite happens.

That's because your beliefs and feelings are dictating what you can and can't do. "I can" means unlimited where "I can't" means limited. When you say either you are stating whether you're enabling or disenabling yourself from what you can or can not want, do, or believe.

Its all a state of mind if you can or can't do it. Open yourself to all what life and what your dreams have put together for you and ride that epic wave. Don't let others take that away from you either because "all this", the old and new found artist self was done by you. No one can change your beliefs unless you let yourself believe them.

No one can take your dreams away and no one can block you from your goals but you! Be persistent, courageous, daring, loving, and head strong with what you want as an artist. Whoever doesn't like what you're doing, tell them to simply "piss of" and don't feel sorry to stand for what you believe in.

This is "your life" take control of it and your creative destiny, never let anyone take that power away because its rightfully yours.

Peace, love, and paint brushes ~
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