Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Dream About The Next Great shift And 2012?

The great shift 2012

 Yet another dream that is possibly related to 2012 and the next great energy shift.

I had this dream on Monday morning, right after the energy shift left my area and the more "angelic" energy started to settle in. It was one of those "dreams" where it exceeded an out of body experience and the dream itself was very different from 95% of the dreams would I normally have. Clearly this was a very important dream, and a dream about an important change in our world.

That night me and my friend Brandon went to bed late, around 4AM. That night I had a couple of dreams. The first dream was about a women that was sleeping over at her job because her guinea pig was stuck there. Her dog was there too. They was in bed and the girl (or me I don't know) was trying to get the blanket on her since it was cool in the room. I remember seeing the guinea pig too. It was quite cute!

This next dream started the main one off. I remember there being a hotel or a home inn, and my family or at least me was staying there. It was a random person's house but it was like we were renting or borrowing it while they came by and etc. I remember this one part that had something to do with a UFO or something outer worldly.

That's when the main dream begun. I was in the backseat of a car that was being driven down the road. There were wooded areas on top of the rocky cliffs on the side of the roads we where driving down.

I remember seeing a giant beam of white light with a UFO right in the middle of the beam. The UFO was the classic "disk" type with the bump in the middle and was silver or at least from what I can tell. The way the light was shining down on the UFO there was a rainbow that had formed. I could see it perfectly and all the colors. The light was bright and intense, but it was so far away that it didn't hurt my eyes. In fact, it was so far that the scene had a "hued" look from the clouds, where it was light pink/cream color. The sky didn't hold that realistic color, though it felt incredibly real. It was quite beautiful but I was looking at it as if my eyes where playing tricks on me. As I'm trying to see with the trees zipping by, I knew I was seeing something different and not normal at all. I didn't understand what was happening, but the scene was so awesome that I had to take a picture. I scrambled for my camera I had with me and took a quick picture.

We were still driving and I had no clue who else was in the car, or if they even noticed the scene I was seeing. That's when I started to see a smaller, fat pill like shaped UFO come out of the disk one. I started to really freak a bit. Again, I had no clue what was happening. The original UFO was still in place, it didn't move and the giant beam of light was still there. Then suddenly, it was like I was out in the middle of the road by myself and Brandon was in front of me. I remember seeing this A-bomb like missile drop right in front of me. I can see all the detail and the destruction it was causing just in that one spot alone. I remember seeing a satellite, as if it was the alien's technology they were destroying. It was like a vision but at the end it was real and I realized where I was. And for whatever reason, Brandon was there and it seemed like he walked into it. Or somehow got caught in the blast.

I was directly in the blasts path, and I could either be destroyed in it or try to run. I had this instinct to run. I knew the blast was going to catch up to me and I simply didn't want that ill fate. So I turned around and started running. As I was running I knew I was too slow, it was only a matter of time till the blast would reach me. I was yelling "angels, angels!" in hopes to get an explanation or something since I had no idea what was going on. I knew what was happening was realistic and I just didn't want to die or think that this was happening for no reason.

Then I remembered naturally about the dream I had about the tidal wave and how I flew out of it's path. Since the blast was the same as the tidal wave incident I knew that I could fly out of the path of destruction. So then I suddenly jumped and intended on flying! I started to fly upwards to avoid the blast, but I kept going ahead. I kept going till I was at this building. I remembered seeing a few other men and women around my age going inside before me. They were standing there floating about while I was still trying to get a handle on my flying. In the dream, I knew that we were there to protect the building, but not just the building but the world. The parts that we needed to protect from the missile blast.

Then just like that, I woke up.

This is the additional insight and feelings I've gotten that I also typed out that morning.

I was shaken to my core when I woke up because of what I seen, it's scary. But on a deeper level I knew that there was nothing to fear. Even now, I'm not paranoid or anything like that, I just feel my natural reactions to it which is fear. On a deeper intuitive level, I know this is all good, my higher self feels good about it. This is all for everyone's benefit, it is what we are asking for.

I feel like also that, I was the "key" of it all. Almost like an electric transformer, or the "gate" to the result. Which reminds me of that dream I had earlier that week. It confirmed that I AM a gate between this world's spirituality and the fully manifested one on the "other side". I had that dream a few nights ago. It wasn't really a dream but it was one of those nights where I woke up and fell back to sleep with insights and knowing. Somehow, I knew that I am a gate and somehow it was fully confirmed for me.

The most interesting part of that fact is I'm a channel and medium, but those things has nothing to do with the gate concept. The divine is talking about something different completely in its most rawest form. I have no idea what that is, how it is done or how it will manifest once the time finally comes. I just know that I have an important role to play in "all this" and in a way that I probably won't see coming.

But again, I felt like I was in the middle of the event itself, like the grand finale. Like all of "this" was happening so that I can do what I needed to do. To perhaps bring in the new world? It completely related to a dream I had before that clearly expresses change/2012(?) and my role in it. I never posted that dream (or what lead up to it) but I'll probably do that soon.

Also, I feel like those people (I honestly don't feel like they were people at all but other beings) and me, where there to protect "places" so that they wouldn't be destroyed in the blasts. Yet somehow, it seemed like they where ahead of me since they just knew what to do and I was the one stumbling around.

Another part of this dream is the UFOs. Normally, I never have dreams about UFO's so when I do, it's always important. The feeling I get is that the UFOs had nothing to do with negativity, it was helping us along. Even when the second spaceship emerged and was setting off it's course. I know inside that, this isn't evil, they are simply helping us.

The dream as a whole again, is NOT negative, even if the images are. My spirit guide Joe said that it could be a means for me to take this dream seriously. So it is not what happened that I need to worry about, but the core essences in the dream I need to take stride in. Not just that but what I intuitively feel inside. And I don't feel like this is an adverse event. It is what I and even the whole world has been waiting for. Maybe this is the beginning of that. Or maybe I reached a new point in my own spirituality that I am able to get more clues about my path and it's relation to the new world, 2012 or whatever. I did just get rewired in the recent energy shift, and this same type of dream happened last year too, so this is just the "next" step of it all.

In any event. I shouldn't fear because my inner guidance isn't telling me to fear but be happy for what is to come. This is what I and the whole world wanted!

Take what you may from this dream, but I know that the bigger picture is slowly being revealed to me. I don't have all the answers of course, but things are getting clearer and more understandable. 

♥♥♥ Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ♥♥♥

Monday, July 23, 2012

Global Shift Aftermath

Global Enegry Shift 2012

 Hey everyone!

It's been 3 days since my original post about the global shifting of energies, so I figured it was time for an update!

As far as my area, the high tide of the shift has passed. That night when I posted about the shift originally, I finally was unhooked from the immense energy stream I was connected too. No sooner then that happened I felt normal again. Though I still had work to be done in my body, but the worst was over.

Depending where you are, you may still feel that intense energy but it all should settle down this week, though we are not out of the woods yet haha. In the heat of the intense energy you may be craving meat... bad, even if it's not in your diet currently. This is because your are instinctively trying to keep yourself grounded so you won't be up in the chaotic energy. You also might be overeating as a means to keep yourself grounded for the same reasons. I was doing both, I wanted to feel full so I was trying to eat what I could. Also, two nights ago I was craving meat in a way that I haven't felt in a long time. After the shift passed my area the craving was gone like it never happened.

If you are going through this random change of diet and do not want to eat meat, eat oats, grains and other earthy foods as such. Those are very grounding as well as healthy for you. It can make you feel full so you don't have to resort to overeating or breaking your no meat rule. However, if you don't have access to that, eat what you can. This won't last long and you are only acting on your instinct which is vital to follow right now!

You may also be craving salty and sugary junk foods and drinks. Again, this is a means to ground yourself and even be sluggish so you won't do anything to put more hurt on your body though action.

After the most intense part of the shift is done, you will feel normal again and a lot of the symptoms will fizzle out or decease in intensity.

Even though you will feel a lot better, don't go doing anything rash just yet. The energies are still active and chaotic but not as intense as it was. On top of that if you were on the receiving end of these energies, there will be work to be done with you still. Take it easy, dream about your desires, and rest. You'll probably have an instinct to go back up "higher" through eating fresh and natural foods, mediation and other means to connect to the universe. Do it because you are being moved to expand yourself and do further inner work. That and so the divine can also work on your energy levels and rewiring. You might feel pain here and there, be unproductive and the like but this will be normal. Take everything in stride and don't do anything you don't need to do.

That early Sunday morning I woke up and was incredibly scattered and emotional. It was like "I" was shifting between old and new and the process of it was manifesting in my emotional and mental state. My ankles was also hurting bad since I was out that whole day before, though my ankles was never sore as a result. I was still craving meat and wanted to eat and feel full. Luckily, eating something wholesome, drinking a sweet lemonade and inducing color healing in my ankles did me so much good! The pain in my ankles decease considerably and I was ready to go back to bed. That morning, especially after I slept in more than normal, I felt soo good!

More than likely you will feel a lot stronger and as if you can "take" a lot more then ever before! I felt a peace and a newest in the air though the energy was still active. It felt "angelic" haha! I also had some intense dreams last night. Which you may be experiencing too. Write them down if they are really stimulating because it is the divine trying to let you know something important.

Even now, I feel a lot better but I'm not yet "complete" enough to really test my new energy levels. I still need lots of rest and just go with the flow with everything. Even thought I had some plans I wanted to carry out, I feel that I should still wait till I get the green light.

I highly suggest that you all do the same too. We have a lot of work being done to our bodies as a means to help us carry out our goals. I feel like once this is "finally" over we will be able to manifest a lot quicker! And somehow be more able to manifest and connect with like minded people like never before (thus the social shifting in the last few months!)

So take it easy, relax, and enjoy what is being presented! In time, things will get easier and for most of us the hardest part is now over! We just have to keep listening to our inner guidance because it knows what it is doing! Logic will not work in this moment!

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps!

♥♥♥ Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ♥♥♥

Friday, July 20, 2012

Where In The Middle Of A Huge Shift

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give you guys a total heads up on what is happening with the energy now.

Do you feel uneasy, more tired than normal, more active than normal, a huge feeling of wanting to make "progress" in your life and mostly, been seeing a lot of your friends or even yourself moving into or out of relationships of all kinds. Not to mention the things that's been happening all over the country and even the world!

Well, rest assured that this is not just people or the world going crazy, but we are under HUGE HUGE energy shift.

We are going through a huge shift of energy, an energy that is CLEARING out the old so that a new energy can take place. It's probably the reason of all the sudden surges of negativity and positivity all around in the last few weeks. You can probably feel it too if you are sensitive to energies.

I feel it bad, through my spine as pain. My spine/back is where I drawn in energy (not sure if this is the same for everyone), and if I'm taking on too much energy, work or even stress, my back will start hurting immediately! Yesterday, I had strong back pain due to the energy and the stress I was putting myself under. Today was a lot better but I still feel and sense these intense energies so I still feel back pain, though not as bad. More than likely if you're a lightworker you'll be receiving this energy too as a means to help us continue our spiritual goals. You'll probably feel other's emotions and the collective a lot more strongly too since we are so open right now.

THE BIGGEST TIP FOR YOU ALL IS TO LAY LOW. The need and feel of wanting to progress is especially strong but it is because the universe is clearing out the old. This is NOT the time to be making big decisions because the energy is so chaotic and messy. You'll probably get mixed results or even be pushed back because of the nature of the energy we are in.

PLEASE take this time to rest, relax and visualize your goals and intentions! Once this high tide of energy is gone, you will FEEL the conformation from your guides and angels. I'm being led to not do anything big till this energy surge is gone. So I'm recommending the same for you all. We will get through this and I know a lot of you are seeing the bad especially on the news. Just remember that we are NOT victims, no matter what is done to us and that no matter what happens we are always safely carried by the angels. They will never leave your side!

One more thing, ask for the angels help especially in times like these. They are ahead of us so they know this is all apart of the big picture and will help you get through it if asked! Not to mention to ground yourself often, and clear out your aura as well!

I hope you all are coping well with this, I'll make sure to update again when the energy subsides and when the new energy sets in. :D

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Bitter Sweet First Year Anniversary

I lost my pet guinea pig Caramel on July 6, 2012 a day before my first year anniversary of officially opening my angel card reading business. It was rough because I had to see her go slowly since we couldn't afford to take her to vet. I don't want to explain again how this made me feel so I'll just copy and past what I wrote the first time on a personal blog.

"My guinea pig, Caramel, just passed away around 4:30PM July, 6, 2012... 

I noticed she was sick on the 4th and since then, even when I tried to nurse her back to health she slowly got worst. Even when I wanted to take her to the E.R we couldn't afford it so the next best thing was "to make her comfortable". 

I'm not mad at anyone, but I'm so sick and tired living in the shadow of what life suppose to be. If ANYONE is sick, we should be able to get help not matter if it's paid or for free. If I'm hungry I should be able to buy a good grade of food for a fair price. If I want to live somewhere, it should be a nice neighborhood without the bullshit. 

I know life isn't perfect or suppose to be perfect, but I know it's not suppose to be like this. It's painful seeing someone you love slowly decay because you simply didn't have the money to get help. I know this is reality for way too many people but... Just the fuck. Where is this world going with so many problems that can be fixed rather easily, or a lot more easy then what the news/politics suggests. 

Sometimes, living in this world and the people in it disgusts me to no end. Then on the other hand it's the complete opposite. I don't know what I can do for the world to fix it's problems but I know what I can do for myself. So if I can't even afford the care of a sick pet, I can at least put it down and not see it slowly dying right in front of my eyes. I never want to see that again, nor do I ever want to see any other creature (human or otherwise) die a slow death. 

Anyway... When Caramel passed she was moving her little legs, or at least the ones that were still working, as if she wanted to run somewhere. We were calling her name and petting her when my mom suggested that we stopped so she won't keep "coming back". Once we stopped she pretty much passed and I was crushed. Though a HUGE relief came with her passing. I didn't feel responsible, internally caged or that needing of her to finally go so I wouldn't see her in so much struggle. The poor thing tried her damnest to walk and move around, but her body and legs where shutting down slowly on her. Once I saw that she couldn't keep getting up when she was laying down on my stomach, I knew that she was on her last... But even then, on her last breath she was rapidly moving her legs. I knew that she wanted to "get up and go" and damn it I was asking everything I knew to give her a peaceful passing....

But above all else... 

She had an incredible will from the very beginning and was a fighter to the very end.

She gave me great inspiration to never give up, even when your on your last leg. That, and she was fitting for my "determined" personality. Even though I wanted her to rest and just close her eyes and go, I can't help but to think "Damn, she died like a fucking champion". And if given the same circumstances, I would "die trying" to get to where I needed to go too. I can't really say I know too many people that display that intense determination. 

Me and my sister buried Caramel in the backyard. I killed me to put the box in the ground that was still warm on the bottom. Shoving the dirt on top hurt like hell too. When I first noticed caramel was sick, I only thought of the worst and I just didn't want to "deal with it". I so much wanted to have that burden off me so I can go through life normally. But I learned that despite death and my emotions, everything does turn out okay. I'm depressed as hell, yes, but I know that everything I have going on is still there for me. The world is not ending and my world surely hasn't end yet. I'm just going though the "now" even if I'm hurt and feel like a total failure. It's just the now and it will pass too, I just have to allow myself to be human, fuck up, make mistakes and learn. Happy times will always be in my future as long as I keep going. I damn sure don't plan to stop, if anything, I'll just take a break. 

Thank you for that lesson Caramel and for the last 6 awesome years of happiness and frustration haha! 

One of the last pictures I took of her while she was sick before she died that day.

I'm just happy that you are in peace now, I know you are happy on the other side, and that makes me endlessly happy even if I "feel" depressed now. Seeing her lifeless body gave me great ease rather than pain and that's the first time I ever felt that way. Thank you for showing me how much I've grown and how much I can truly handle, because this week was tough, yet I made it. :)

My favorite picture of us together! Again this was on the same day that she passed
One extra side note, tomorrow will be my first year anniversary of opening my angel card reading business. Ironic, I know... >___> It will be very bitter sweet. And even more ironic, I just finished watching 20/20's special on "Heaven, where is it and how do we get there"? Thanks for that nod universe, I totally understand... "

It's been two days since then and I feel like my heart is breaking, no, ripping apart thread by thread. I was depressed because of the way she died but now I'm just depressed. I miss her so much, yet I get why we choose to be born and when we leave. It doesn't matter how much you know about the afterlife, when someone you love dies, it will always hurt. Though, knowing what I do does take the edge off. I know it's not the end and I will see her again eventually. 

See you on the Rainbow Bridge Caramel!

Monday, July 2, 2012

How To Make Money Love You!

How To Attarct Money

This is a special post, a post I wanted to do for a while. I wanted to talk to the angel of money once again to get more spiritual concepts, advice and tips on how people can manifest money. It's strange because for a few weeks now I really wanted to do it, especially after tackling my blocks with winning the lottery. I haven't contacted the angel of money since my last encounter with him where he showed me a method/spell to manifest more money. Since that time I have been making and manifesting more money, and even more in the last few months. Every time I make money or have a new order, I would always thank him and ask for more.

After reading this blog post by Steve Pavlina, I was SO inspired to finally contact the angel of money and speak to him about attracting more money (probably the universe's way to get me to finally stop procrastinating!). I wanted to see who he is, what he thought about money as a whole and how we can be more able to attract it in our lives.

The angel of money is a guide to those that want to attract "abundance". He was a high level spiritual guide to those that came before us (I was shown Atlantis). But now he lives today to serve and teach people advanced money manifesting techniques.

When I asked him to write through me (via automatic writing), he refused because he wanted to teach me so I can teach others. Right now, he wants to teach me his manifesting methods so that I can, in turn, teach the world.

So from here on out everything I write is what the angel of money is telling me...


There is a huge yellow stone like block on people's (the world as large) solar plexus charkas (sense of self), as well as on the heart charka (love and compassion), but it's not as intense. This is because we make money our masters, we treat money as if there is nothing else in this world mattered. If you have money, you have the world. This is what is causing us to block financial abundance, because we are giving our god given power to something that has no power at all.

The real power is in our truth, uniqueness, creativity, love and drive to serve. He's showing me the throat chakra which is the one of truth and creativity.

He says that accessing that specific charka can enhance our performance to make money happen for us. He says that we have to focus on "what we can do" at any moment, regardless if we have money or no money to manifest abundance.

Do those things that you truly want to do and make money a non-issue. This is because when you give off the "I'm happy doing this and I'm in control" vibration, when you want money, you can tell it to RUN to you.

The Angel Of Money says that even though the steps to manifest money is relatively easy, he wants to only give enough information so that people on different levels of their path can follow and understand collectively. He knows our struggles and our needs to take care of ourselves and families, so he will only take us to the "next step".

He says to make a small space to place money on. When you go to make that space, treat it as if it was a creative game. Do whatever you need to do to express yourself creatively with this money space. Don't rely on your left brain or should's, only rely on your unique creativity. Do as much or as little as you need to be fully satisfied with YOUR SPACE. Even though we are putting money in this area, this is not a place of worship.

Once you're done, place some money in your space and take a good look at it. Think about the money and what you just done creatively. What you just created, this space, was from your willingness to express yourself and values. The time and effort you put into this was also from you wanting to express yourself and values. Think about those unique qualities in yourself for about ten minutes and DON'T think about money at all. What are those things you can do more of?

Once you're ready, "look" at the money you just put there. Think of that money as just a green piece of paper. No value, no power but just what it is, a piece of green paper (or whatever color your money is). When you are thinking about the money, if any thoughts of money being a source of your well-being or the like comes up, take note. You are being gifted with the relationship you are currently having with money. Then intuitively weight the power, the vibration of the money in comparison to your creative expression. Which weights more?

If you feel that money weights more, you are putting way too much emphasizes on it. You are creating a false sense of security because you are deeming the money more powerful then you. Thus creating a world where you have to either overpower money to get it so you work hard, or making money so elusive that it only comes when it wants too, thus scarcity.

If you feel like your creative energy weights more, then you have a better chance at making money appear, but you might have to tweak some limiting beliefs on how to make money easier, or get into the right vibe where you can let money in.

In this mind set, you ARE able to attract money more easily. But you have to start changing deep beliefs, concepts, and most of all start putting yourself in the drivers seat in your life so you can command money to love you (way more then you love it). So that it will show up without your consent.

If you felt money had more weight (power) over you, don't fret, changing the way you feel about money gets easier, it just takes time.

Remind yourself that, you are a creative and powerful force. And that when you start enforcing it, money won't be a medium you can't control. Just take it one day at a time and do the same exercise everyday or as many times as you want till YOU have more weight over your life than money.

After leaving the exercise, expect money to show up in any form it chooses, even if you can't spend it. That means seeing money on billboards, signs, pictures or seeing words and concepts that relates to wealth. Another really fun way to practice manifesting money is making a game out of it, one that I noticed myself doing is manifesting coins. See how many coins you can manifest during the day. Once you get the hang of it you can start on bigger sums. Of course there will be different manifestations of it, so always keep your eye out for golden opportunities!

Another concept that is really important in any type of manifestation work is inspired action. That's when you feel "inspired" to do something. This usually feels joyful, passionate yet urgent. When you feel that inspired action, that's the universe's cue for you to do something that will help you get you to the next step of your goal! When you feel it, do it right then and there, don't stuff it down or make light of it. Even if you don't see the point or the results right when you do it, trust that it is the right thing to do. More than likely you'll lighten the load of grunt work for you to make money love and come to you.


Doing the exercise myself, money won. Even though I gave tons of great reasons on why my creative expression was so powerful, I still felt "deep inside" that money had more weight in my life. That was a hard pill to swallow, because I thought I was clearing that block, but that doesn't mean I didn't clear some of it. I just didn't get to the "core" of it.

I feel that, even though I don't put money on the top of my priority list, I still think that money make things "work", so in my reality, it DOES have power and more power than myself. Because even though I'm in control, money "really" make things happen. I'm just doing the grunt work and I have to change that. Money (society actually) does nothing but fool people that it give them everything they want, when it is the PERSON that does that. Money doesn't make things happen, make people successful or brings happiness, YOU do!

So now I'm making it my business from this point on to lessen the power I subconsciously give money. So that my creative expression can win over a few pieces of paper and metal. Thus creating a more harmonious life where in fact money loves me way more then I depend on it. :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and learned as much as I did! 

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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