Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cherubs Of Abundance

Angel Of Money

This was apart of a bigger post named "How To Make Money Love You" inspired by this blog post by Steve Pavlina. When I was going over and refining the original blog post, I felt that this should be a stand alone post. I guess you would call it inspired action, but I felt like it was better if I let the cherubs of abundance get their own post about how to attract more money.

The cherubs of abundance are the loveliest group of cherubic angels that helps you find more fun and lighthearted ways to manifest money. They are not as intense as the angel of money, but more childlike and light with their approach. I even based a card spread of the same name on the cherubs of abundance since they are so helpful and easy going in their approach.

The following paragraphs is directly from the cherubs of abundance via automatic writing, or in this case typing haha! The only editing I did was spelling and grammar.


Money is a medium. Like an artist, you can learn how to play, mold, and transform the energy of "money" into things that you desire.

Your desire however must come from a place of purity. A purity that can stand the test of time, an unwillingness to see the "reality", and a will to only see good and perfection in everything that happens.

It's not about making money, it's transforming the money miracle, the energy and the vibrations into that you can consciously control. You can make money love you. You can command money to come to you in wild forms and experiences. You are the holder and the creator of your world. Use money as a tool to make it more grand. When you give your power up to something outside of you, you lose control over everything. Because you are no longer having a conscious decision on what will work and not work in your world. You are giving the decision to something else, which is separate from you.

But being willing to be playful, have fun and think of money as a medium you can paint with, then just simply money. You will make it easier to come to you. Because you're not giving it so much power over you. You are giving money no power which will be easier for you to weld. Give it enough power and it will always deny you.


These angels are giving us the mental tools we need to be in control of how we feel about money. Lately, through my journey of facing my demons, more of my "true goals" came into light. I felt excited, passionate, and willing to go for my dreams, and as that happened I noticed something. I wasn't hung up on money as much. Some how my spiritual work and only doing that work was more important than doing my work to make money. I realized that money or no money, I could serve the world, and that money will always find me. This made it easier for me to not only do more of my passion but to do it on a clear slate. Where I can make mistakes, learn and change without the worry of losing or failing to make money.

No sooner than those concepts came to light, more money in fact came into my life through my passion. So no doubt, having less priority to make more money and being your Super Self (embodying your higher self) makes money come to you. Because you are not concerned about it coming or going, just the work you want to do. That childlike excitement to put yourself out there and do what you always wanted to do. Those are the things that make life so good, because when you come from a place of love and service, everything you want will come running to you! You never have to worry about anything because you always know you are going in the right direction.

That is what the angels want us to know and do. Do whatever your heart is calling you to do, but don't make "making money" first on your list. This will only block you from not only what you want, but what you need. Forget about the money and just do what you love because you love it. Soon, you will see money showing up slowly but surely and more frequently. It all just takes is a big heart, a lot of drive, passion and a touch of magic!

Before a few months ago, I never thought of manifesting money as an "easy" thing to do. I always have to do something, or overcome an obstacle to get it. But I'm seeing and receiving information that, money is no different then any other desire we have. We just have to change how we feel about it, and trust that "we" can make it work.

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Candle Magic

Angel Candle Magic Success

I started to do candle magic in the very beginning of June. I wanted to learn how to do candle magic so I can use another manifesting and healing tool in my life. I also wanted to learn more about candle magic for my secret project (will explain in a later post) along with vibrational healing and learning.

The first time I did it I wasn't sure if I should use it to clear the blocks inside of me or not. I was thinking about it quite a lot and when the time came to do it (after much procrastination) I was drawn to attract success.

Actually, that night before I was asking my spirit guide, Michael, (not the archangel!) to help me in candle magic, because I know he's quite the veteran for things like this. I felt that he was the one that told me to attract success rather then try to clear out a block. That and attracting success was a lot easier for me to focus on. I was really nervous doing it because I didn't want to mess up or get the spell wrong. But doing it for the first time, the whole process, it's not that bad. In fact it's really fun!

The candle I used for success was the gold taper candle. I followed the instructions and lit the candle (by lighting a white candle with a lighter then lighting the gold one with the lit white candle). The smoke was white and the flame was strong, which meant that my answer to my desire was a big "YES". I was so excited because as I was doing the ceremony, I was imagining everything that I wanted to happen in my life becoming successful, and to see that it is coming to me is a HUGE TREAT. Plus, everything else have been working quite nicely for me! Since then, I felt good enough (without feeling intuitive blocks) to finally order the materials to make candles, as well to start on the secret project I have planned for you all. I also felt the need to make a smaller business and shop for my deco den and crafts, as well as to start writing a book. I'm also going to start selling my crystal code readings soon, I feel it's the time to do so.

In fact, by the end of summer I want all my businesses and projects to be up and running. There is a lot I'm trying to fit in my life right now but I feel good about it! I'm also trying to buckle down on my Korean with sticky notes and index cards.

With everything that I'm planning to do, I can tell that my success is coming because things are finally working in my favor. That and I'm wiser which can help me navigate through almost anything.

And recently I had a great idea to start clearing myself on winning the lottery. If I cleared myself on it, I'm sure in a few months I will be able to win a lot of money. I don't feel money will change my life in a negative way. I know it's just a tool to make my ideas and generosity grow. With my negative beliefs of the lottery going out the window I know I will attract a win for sure, and I want to win millions!

I almost forgot. I did my second candle magic on 6/14/2012, this time to attract and give love of all kinds! I used a pink candle rolled in sage for happiness. The flame was kind of jumpy at times and bent to the sides at the beginning, but the flame was quite large, much bigger then my success one. At one time the flame was jumping and was so tall that I thought I had to put it out to avoid a fire!

Reading into the fire, my desire was a "yes" but the energy I was receiving/focusing on or whatever was so strong that it made the fire react as it did. I could also tell that the strong energy was in "waves" because at times like after the flame got huge, the flame was a lot smaller, then when back to normal. It was scary, fun and enlightening. I forgot to mention that I watched sailor moon while waiting for the candle to burn down, I'm not sure if that effected the candle as well.

At the beginning, I also felt that Archangel Michael was cutting my cords and acting on my behalf to get the result I was asking for (maybe the reason for the flames behavior?). When I focused on the flame, I had a vision of a gray crown made of wax and it dripping down my face, that's when I sense Michael doing his cutting. I'm not sure what it all meant but the end result was good, though I'm feeling iffy for whatever reason. Probably because it was scary at times.

Also after that magic, I thought that since I was an incarnated seraph (I'll explain about that later) I would be able to control fire with my mind. It really shocked me and made sense since seraphs are the "burning ones" after all. So on my free time (after I clear myself of being afraid of learning telekinesis!) I'm going to try to start a flame on the candle using my mind. 

Thanks for reading take care! 

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Trip To The Fairy And Angelic Kingdom!

Fairy And Angel Kingdom

This happen 6/11/2012, around1-2:00AM

In the dream I had no real clue what was going on. I do remember elves or fairies doing something. I was just around dancing or moving around having a great time. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but the elves were building or doing something to destroy/change whatever world I was in. I got scared and started to break down the dream world I was in to avoid whatever was coming. The realm I was in literally broke apart in blocks or something similar when I felt very intense vibrations in my head.

It was so strong that I could barely do anything. I was falling head first and could feel the speed and power of me falling. Again, I wasn't sure what to do so I asked Archangel Michael for help (which is usually a hit or miss). Suddenly, I felt something happen. I can't really explain it, but it was like things were moving around me. At the end, it felt like I split into two.

While I was still falling I suddenly opened my eyes. Everything felt real and amazing like my last experience of me going to heaven. I was in the sky, it was sundown and the clouds and sky were a beautiful raspberry/purple color. Being as aware as I was, I knew that I wasn't "dreaming" anymore. If I did the right thing, I can go and have yet another amazing experience! Seeing it was dusk, I knew heaven or the town I would be heading to would be beautiful and full of lights. I imagined it in my mind and it was beautiful, it only made me more excited for what to come!

I kept falling even though I was trying to fly by flapping my arms haha. It was like the logic didn't work. So I tired again, I flapped my arms and flew up easily! I was excited and ready to experience whatever was in store for me. By instinct I knew to fly upward. I flew up above the clouds to meet yet another wonderful skyscape!

It wasn't the same place I visited before, but it was like a small town in comparison. It reminded me of the beautiful villages in Greece and the Mediterranean. The dusk made the whole scenery a beautiful purple color, which made the yellow lights in the town's windows stand out. I was thrilled to see how awesome it was compared to my imagining of it!

As soon as I saw the town, my remembrance of my angelic buddies came back to me yet again. I was so excited to see and met them! I looked around since I was a distance from the town. I saw the highest point and instantly knew I needed to go there. I swooped over to my left then curved over to my right to get a closer look and hopefully met some old friends.

Oddly enough, the scene took a very different turn. I was looking right into a small doll house like place with an gnome figurine piece that tipped on its side. I somehow got a hold of a small bottle of what it turned how to be, an alcoholic like drink for fairies and such. The bottle was small, about a few inches. I took a few sips and noticed it had a strong cinnamon flavor to it, it was quite good even though I don't drink haha.

I kept taking sips till it was gone, I was wondering why I wasn't feeling buzzed till I realized that it wasn't enough for a person of my size to get a buzz. While that was happening another person, maybe two, where playfully poking fun at me. Saying "look, she is getting so drunk/wasted" or things of that nature.

I wanted to fly elsewhere, I looked over and saw a big courtyard where there were pipes or poles coming out of the ground. I have no clue what they were used for but I had the fairies on my mind. For whatever reason, I knew that me and the fairies where great friends with a great bound. It was like a total kinship that I can't explain but I knew that we were not only friends but partners that helped each other out a lot. I wanted to see them and knew that I could create a portal for them to come through into this world.

I flew to the top of the pole near the middle of the courtyard and started to wave my hands in a circle while imagining a portal opening up. That's when I got very strong vibrations in my head area again, I can't tell you what triggered it but when I did get the vibrations I was stuck in place again. While I was fixed in place I somehow saw the fairies fixed in a trance like state along with me. I saw at least two light pink sparkly bubbles filled with fairies in a trance with their bodies floating about, it was quite pretty. It was like we were all connected together, perhaps drawing energy or strength from each other.   

Then just like that, I was normal again when I saw these small thumb sized fairies greet me. They were black with bright pink accents, with full cherub like bodies. They had small furry tails and wings that had pink zigzag design on them. The most interesting part where their faces, they had a very complex yet decorative picture of a baby's face on their own faces! I have never seen anything quite like it and I will never forget it.

There were about 4-5 that gathered around my thumb and hand. They had the cutest baby toned like voices with their baby like bodies! That's when things got really strange. The one that was talking the most (maybe the leader?) admitted to using a baby to create her form. I knew then that there were two types of these fairies, the "real" ones that naturally have these baby like bodies that where full of good, and the "fake" ones that uses a baby (life force/body/etc) to create their body and form. The fake ones to my knowledge where not as good hearted and quite mischievous. Somehow I knew this information where I never seen any fairy like this in my waking years.

This is where my OBE (out of body experience, which I'm assuming this is based on the traits of the vibrations I've gotten twice) started to turn into a dream. More of these black and pink fairies started to gather around me and I started laughing despite what I knew about them. It was like what I knew went in one ear and out the other. They collected together around my neck and collar bone when they stared to bite me. I'm not sure if I imagined it (being at this point I was "dreaming") or that is what just happened since I didn't feel any pain whatsoever. Or maybe it was a quick blend of realities and my imagination, I'm not sure, but quickly after I started to dream which ended my experience.


When I woke up, I saw that I wasn't sleeping for long, which tells me that this was more of an obe or otherwise. The experience was again more real then reality yet not as intense as my last experience with the angels. I can't say exactly where I was, it wasn't "heaven" though I got the same amazing feeling of being there. When I was reflecting back on the dream, it seemed more to me that I was in maybe a fairy, elemental or even a blend of the angelic and fairy kingdoms.

Another fact that was interesting, was that morning I had an order where the client wanted me to use my fairy deck! Is this maybe the fairies way of letting me know more about my connection with them since I had knowledge that I couldn't explain? I can't really tell for sure since a lot of my experiences have more of a "need to know bases" then anything. So the things I can't explain now will always come to light later on. Which I'm fine with since I don't rush the answers anymore. I'm just extremely grateful to have such a wonderful experience!

So thank you Michael, fairies and all my guides and helpers for this experience! Also, thank you all for reading and supporting me through a very intense time of my spiritual path and life! Love you all! Take care

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Nap Where I Saw Heaven

Saw Heaven And Angels

That morning I saw a painting by Nicolas Poussin called The Assumption of the Virgin. The painting, mainly the clouds, colors and the general feeling of the painting took me back. Somewhere to a place where I haven't been in many years. Some how, I knew in a distant memory, when I was very young, the angels and heaven were exactly like the painting depleted. I knew I saw it all before, like a first memory or dream, but I can't rationally say where and how. I just felt it in my soul and existence, something I call a "soul sense".

The Assumption Of The Virgin

Looking at the picture took me back home, a place I dearly missed and loved. I started to feel sad and homesick, wishing that I could be there again, somehow. Even though I'm now living on planet earth, there are some things that I will always go back to, and most of them are just not of this world.

It was warm that afternoon, but it didn't stop me from taking a much needed nap. I however would of never guess what I would wake up from...

I had about 2 dreams before the experience, but this is where things got interesting.

I was looking at this PDF file about finding your true desires or something. I remember you could fill it out on the computer yet the document was in my field of view, it was just there. I remember looking at the top to the bottom of it. It was a tan color and I remember seeing red in it too. The document disappeared and I was outside someone's garden. The garden had big bushes along the side with weird colored grass or plant like flowers in the yard. They also had a flower near the edge of the fence. 

Somehow through yet another computer like program I was able to change the color of the grass. In fact I could change the color scheme of the garden. I had 3 or 4 options and the third option is the one I liked best. It changed the grass to a cool green/blue color and all the other plants around it matched. It wasn't too hard on the eyes like the other color schemes.

Then the wind started picking up and my dad was bending down in the grass to touch it. The dream was getting a lot more realistic and I was getting a lot more lucid. I remember seeing the grass move in such great detail with this one flower that was blowing along with it.

This is when things got really weird. I was standing at the opened gate of the fence, while my sister was standing on my left and my dad was standing on my right. I looked up at the sky and saw this one cloud that looked like a bird (it was more like dragon this time), a classic symbol of my passed grandmother. I excitedly told my sister "look look at that cloud!". When she did, the cloud drifted off and I saw the earth rotating fast like those videos where they capture the earth revolving and you can see the shadow covering the earth. This totally freaked me out because I took it as a omen. I was always afraid of seeing space and planets in my dreams because I felt like something bad was about to happen, this was no different. In fact there was a lot of stuff in the sky moving about but seeing the earth turn as fast as it did with the shadow covering it up totally put me on edge. I didn't want it to be a sign to what to come.

As all this is going on, I had a growing feeling of the ominous when suddenly the rush of wanting to ask "I do have a huge purpose?" came to me. I wanted to ask my sister but I learned that whenever I do ask about my purpose to anyone in my dream, they would look at me as if I was stupid. But this time I really NEEDED to ask and I couldn't form the words in the right way. I kept thinking about how I should ask so I could get a straight answer, but I knew that I didn't have a lot of time. That's when I just asked my sister "Just tell me, I do have a huge purpose don't I?". I looked up at her while she was looking out over yonder and said "Yeah you do". FINALLY, a straight answer but not one from a question as if I didn't know, but a reassurance that what I knew what right.

The sky started to grey, the wind was picking up. I knew something huge was going to happen, then it did. As I was continuing to look up in the sky, in the left side corner of my eye I saw a tidal wave coming through the neighborhood block. It was grey and was covering everything in its path. Initially I started to freak out, at this point of the dream things were surely real and I was lucid to the max.

Tidal waves are the number one symbol in my dream that kills me. Numerous times through out the years. Yet they are involved in my most spiritual dreams. No matter what happens, if I look out over a body of water in my dream I'm sure to see one emerge and all I can do is run/fly for my life, hoping I won't get killed in the process. But after the last dream where I saw one, I knew that I had to stand up to my fear. So as fast as I felt fear I stood up and felt powerful, that I wouldn't run and knew that I would be okay. In my mind I was like "I got this!".

That's when my dad took me and my sister and dashed to our right, down the street to outrun the wave. I was in shock and didn't know what to expect. With only a few steps my dad took my hand or arm and pushed me forward/up and yelled at me to "fly!". I knew that somehow this was the moment of truth, instead of running and graveling in fear I was going to excel and ascend everything I've done before and go to my rightful place and fly!

I outstretched my arms and intended on flying (superman style), exceeding, and becoming way more then I could be before, and wouldn't you have it I stared flying faithfully and strongly!

I knew then that I was going to avoid the wave and felt safe, but started to fear if I was heading into outer space. I saw the clouds I was flying through and I was ascending higher and higher. I calmed my fear and no sooner that I did I saw the most incredible white building on my right!

Then looked ahead and saw "heaven" full blast and totally embodied in the experience as if I was there before!

 It was bright and sunny with plenty of cloud like fog near the bottom. At that point was I flying on auto pilot, as if I was somehow being controlled. All I had to do was relax and enjoy the moment and I would fly to wherever I needed to be. I remember hearing the angels cheering for me in the distance in a way. I was so excited and no sooner I saw the skyscape all I could repeat to myself is that "I knew it!". Everything I saw and felt was exactly what I remember heaven and the angels being like.

No matter what I read or leaned from, that very first remembrance of heaven I had never left and anything that connected me to that "feeling" strike me to the core. It was surely the truth that I knew to be true on a soul level.

The sun, or if it was the sun, was amazing! Instead of a bright yellow ball in the sky as you would see on earth, it was a soft white, warm and healing light. I could see the light flares from me looking into it and the somewhat opalescent rays that my eyes could capture.

The white building that I saw before, it wrapped around from the right to the left. I saw that the general style was marble and the classic cherry wood ascent. I also saw a huge bronze angel statue, it seemed like it moved gracefully as I flew by. As I flew around, the reality of everything was more real and welcoming then our reality.

 Nothing in this world can recapture the moment like I experienced. This wasn't a mere dream and it was just too damn awesome to be an out-body-experience since I'm accustomed to those. I can't explain what exactly my travels as those are. I just know when I do have them, I have a guide or someone watching me, because I can't just go on my own.

As I was flying, I remember seeing the huge windows and the angels talking to each other. Each one had a colorful rob on. One even had a huge stack of papers with him. As I continued to fly around I went under or in a building and inside it was like a super mall! Full of gold and perhaps yellow lights. Tons of levels and angels everywhere just working. I remember seeing it and how in love I would be in huge places like that on earth. Now I know why, because it reminds me of home.

I wanted to take control of the flying and as I dipped down I willed myself to the left and had to use my hands to keep myself from crashing into the marble wall. I literally scaled up the wall a bit to continue flying.

I look down and saw two angels talking to each other. They both had different colored robes on, one with a brown/maroon color and I forgot the other one. They both had brown wavy shoulder length hair. They were both gorgeous as hell just like the classic depictions of angels, yet they both lacked wings. In fact, I didn't see a single pair during my trip!

 At that time I knew archangel Michael was around because I just had him on my mind. It was like he was there with me. So I assumed that one of the angels was him and turned around and made a landing. Again the experience was so real and alive, I just can't believe it. I felt the force of the landing and had to take quick steps to prevent myself from falling. Then when I looked closer at the angel knew it wasn't Michael.

I looked ahead and wanted to go back outside. I remember seeing two younger angels chasing after me in a light hearted way. I wanted to make an exit before they could reach me. I saw the door, it was fancy like a hotel door. Even the bronze door handle was crafted in a exquisite way. I remember grabbing the door and opening it, I could see the outside behind another pair of doors. Then just like that I faded into the dark, as if I got "disconnected" and woke up.


This is probably by far the very best experience I ever had. Everything that I worked for spiritually and about finding about who I am was somehow conformed in this short trip to heaven. Now I know that I'm in fact an incarnated Seraph angel (will explain in a later post) living yet again in a human body. 

Not only that, but remembering from childhood or even when I was just a few years old, the "feeling" of what heaven and angels are like was completely validated! It was like I never left and that connection stayed strong no matter what happened to me.  

My yearning for my home was satisfied and I feel so blessed that the angels (and probably Archangel Michael that initiated this) gave me that wonderful feeling again! But I'm sure this wasn't just for leisure, as you can tell from the beginning of the dream I had to be brave and strong. If for a second I went back into my more fearful mind set I probably wouldn't be able to fly or even believe I could do it. My bravery towards the tidal wave grant me the strength to say "I'm not going to run, but fly!" and in a moments time I felt that specialness, that true power that I had in myself, totally untapped and in my control and faith! 

Even after the experience, I woke up as if I was in a deep 8 hour sleep (I was asleep for less then an hour). The immense details of the dream started to fade almost immediately, and after I got up to type this down I contracted a headache, something that never happened to me before. But it only tells me further that what I experienced is not only real but deep and immense.

It's obvious that my brain simply can't handle the level of realty that I was in. The detail, the experience itself is something so far beyond what I'm normally used to that my brain has a hard time keeping up with it. Which is probably way I contacted a headache in the first place.

Later that day when I went to stretch my body, I pulled two of my back muscles, right down my shoulder blades. When I felt where the pain was, I was surprised to find that those areas is where angel wings (even my own) grow from! I can say that I never pulled those muscles before, or at least that I can remember (which hurt a LOT). I'm not sure what happened during my trip but it triggered something physically from which I can remember it by.

Hopefully, through reading my story and experience, it would trigger or even inspire you to explore the angel kingdom. So that maybe you can find a bit of yourself and finally take off and fly like I did. :)

♥♥♥ Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ♥♥♥
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