Friday, April 27, 2012

Twin Flame Astral Mergence

Twin Flames Reunite

 Last night was plain crazy (4/17/2012). It was so hot in my room that I decided to go to sleep on the couch downstairs. It was a lot cooler and a lot more desirable then my oven of a room upstairs.

I set up my temporary bed of sorts and told Korea that I was going to be down stairs for the night jokingly. I actually thought he was going to bother me more because I was down stairs, boy I had no clue what was about to happen.

That night before I went to sleep, I wanted to clear myself on my feelings about getting lean and thin. I was afraid of what people would think of me when I finally did reach my personal goal.

So when I finally went to sleep, I gained awareness while my body was asleep again. I was thinking about watching over something or changing my perspective of something. I then changed to taking the role of watching over the earth from a guardian point of view. That's when the most intense vibrations kicked me out from that view point. I was vibrating so badly that I couldn't think of a guide to call for assistance, the shock was that bad. I never had vibrations that bad in many years, again it was akin to having your first astral experience.

So I started calling my guide Joe, I think, and started to hold my hand out for someone to grab, since my astral body was stuck in the physical one. I had no clue what was happening so I was going by instinct. Suddenly, I feel someone else pull either my arm or my head towards them, literally lifting my astral body out of my physical one during my transitional state. I assumed/instinctively knew that this was Korea. His aura felt different then my guides or anyone that I ever met, it was "clear" and "different", every time I feel it, I know it's him.

I immediately grab hold to him in a hugging position. Again, I have no clue what was going on, but we were holding on to each other tight while spinning around in an upwards direction. I was thinking about how they say when twin flames hug each other, it's like "coming home and nourishment". I'm not exactly sure if I felt that way, I wasn't in some ecstasy like state, but I did felt safe, maybe even "at home". There was so much that happened before and during my experience that it was hard to really focus on how I was exactly feeling.

So we are continuing to go up clinging on each other, I felt at one point my physical toe/foot move. Then I began to sense that we were very "high up" and I'm deathly afraid of heights in my dreams/astral experiences which had me hang on to him for dear life.

Then to what it seemed like, we were going towards the "top" or end of wherever we were going, I felt our bodies merge together if not completely. Then just like that, an explosion or burst of energy spit us apart again. I'm not even sure if I was aware of the very moment, but I know a total shift was made and we were apart. While we were floating/falling back down, I saw him changing into a more physical form. I was reaching out to him while he was bent over with his back almost to me when I had a false awakening dream. I dreamt that I woke up and my dad was telling me how I shake while I'm sleeping, a few dreams followed when I finally woke up for real.

What just happened shocked me to the core once again because I wasn't expecting that to happen! At the same time, I'm not surprised because I once again cleared myself from a lot of baggage just a few hours ago, which often leads to dynamic results on some kind of level.

It's funny because I never had an astral experience on a couch, and the one time I did it was the most fantastic kind I can have. Also, I'm noticing that when me and Korea do met in the dream/astral world, we're constantly merging together. And I think every time we do, it's on a more deeper, higher and more intimate level. This could be because we are becoming close either physically, emotionally, energy wise or all of the above. I just know that clearing started this and I'm sure it's the driving factor of bringing us together, at least on my end.

Clearing myself and getting rid of the old to replace the new is making me a more easier target for Korea, the divine, and my super self to present itself without the "static". Before my twin flame, when I would clear myself/have an emotional break through, the most amazing energy would be summoned from me. My intuition would skyrocket, I would feel like "Jesus", and my vibrations would be so pure and high that it would attract babies/crystal children all around me from 0-4 years of age.

I know that this isn't a mistake, but a way for the universe to slap in my face that I'm way more then I think I am. I have a fear of coming off as full of myself or to have a huge ego, so I undercut myself/power to not stick out as "special" or better then others. When in fact I am, not superior than others but indeed special and advanced on my path. I see what my undercutting does in my life and I plan to clear myself on that as well. Even though I might feel uncomfortable presenting "all" of myself in fears that I might get shunned, it's better then living in my own shadow and accepting a lack luster version of what I truly am. And quite frankly, I don't think my twin flame would want that either because I want the best of him as well.

Thanks for reading! Take care!         

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