Saturday, June 25, 2011

Prove yourself Archangel Michael

(The time that I originally started this post was around the 20th of June and since then I added to it the end of the story. The weeks and days that I talk about here takes place around the 3rd week of June)

This weekly post originally was going to be about how Archangel Michael helped me and supported me in great ways. How his presence in my life made me have great changes in myself and the way I think about the world around me. But today is different, in the last week or so I have grown to almost hate his presence around me and the angels in-general.

Okay maybe hate IS a strong word but they or just Michael have been jumping on my last nerve lately.

My mood has tumbled down a lot in the last 5 or so days. It started innocently enough, I was just annoyed over a few bad events that happened over the beginning of last week. Then of course he calls me to the cards to address my problems and at the time I didn't want to hear it. When I'm pissed off I like to be alone and be pissed off. I of course state my disgust to him and ask to him "lay off" a bit. The following days was everything BUT THAT. I got more number patterns, card callings from Michael, and pleads of "relax and not think about it" answers of my occasional "wanting answers" to my horrible mood.   

Which all lead me to what I like to call "I hate the world" mode. I literally hated everything especially the angels. I hated thinking about them and I hated the fact they were around me. I just didn't want to be bothered with them and their antics. I wanted them to crawl up the ass of whatever god they came from. Included in that whirlwind of hatred I felt confused about everything around me. My goals, feelings, and just the reason I'm alive. All I wanted to do is sleep and not wake up or take a very long vacation on the moon alone. "All I want is to be alone for a few days" I kept telling Michael but I think angels or at least him are slightly off in the head.

For whatever ever reason when I'm in my "really bad mood" the angels stick to me like glue. Thank god that spirit guides are a little more knowledgeable about human life and leave me be when I ask. After I ripped Joe's (my spirit guide) head off when I was extremely upset a few years ago I never heard from him again whenever I'm upset . Its like he's never around and I appreciate that he respect my wishes to just be alone. The angels are a different story or a least Michael. He never leaves my side and always slams his advice through the cards which stirs up my mood day after day. I try to shut him out and he just comes back like nothing happened.

 "My god do I wish that he would disappear" is all I could think of in the last few days. And at the point where I was feeling better (not thinking or doing anything but watching mindless TV), he called me to the cards only for my angry mood to be stirred up by it. From then I took action, I got the box of cards and stuffed them down some boxes so whenever I would go in my room, I wouldn't be able to be called by them.

It felt good, damn good and I wished I done it sooner. As I would go back and forth by the boxes Michael would always say "let me out" as if he was really stuck down there. We both know that if he wanted too, can create a hurricane in my room or create a miracle and give me numbers to the next big lottery. Yet he insisted that he was indeed stuck and could not get out unless "I" let him out. Even using my imagination where we usually have our conversations in a comfortable living room, the door was locked shut. Notably, when I tried to lock that door without hiding the cards Michael would just go through the door or the lock wouldn't really exist for some reason.

So with my victory at hand I went about my day but got frustrated and somewhat amused about Michael being stuck in the box. He insisted again that he could not be freed unless "I" freed him, so I decided to make a bargain with him. He had to prove to me that he was the real archangel Michael in some way. For the better half of the last 2 or so weeks his personality got more playful and kid like which I didn't mind. But I did question for a bit if I was really in contact with Michael in my less then happy week, or it was a random spirit or angel just messing with me. Though he's advice and "his" way of giving them have been consistent so my suspicions didn't fly far, but I wanted to have "fun" with him. As well as a way to keep my sanity by not letting him out the box and not feel so guilty that he was indeed "trapped" in the box. He's a powerful angel, I'm sure he can prove his "innocence" (a card that he consistently gave me through out last week) to me and it would be a piece of cake.

So I went through my day hanging out with my best friend Brandon and its been a few hours since I made that deal with Michael. Brandon was surfing the web on his lap top next to me on my desktop. He was looking at the "trending topic" tweets on Twitter and was scrolling down the page. We both looked and laughed at the random tweets when I suddenly looked up at a certain persons name and saw "Sarah Michaels". My brain exploded and thought "What the hell, he actually did it" while another part of me was "damn I have to let him out now". I thought the game was over so when I went back upstairs in my room Michael insisted that I would truly let him out the box. I didn't want to, my day have been the best in about a week and if my mood tumbled down again like it has I was going to jump out of my bedroom window.

So I decided to play hard ball and told him that the name was "Michaels" and not "Michael" so it didn't count. I'm sure he wasn't impressed with my change of heart but my crappy week was all a game to him so it was time that I returned the favor. He pleaded more to let him out that night and with my feelings of guilt building up I decided to "let up" a bit. I told him that I would let him out that morning and call it a day. He wanted to be let out that night but my sanity was at sake so I didn't entertain his request.

So that next morning arrived and of course Michael was ready to be let out of the horrible box of infinite terror. I was hungry and dehydrated so I told him "after I get something to eat" then went to the kitchen. I ate and I think spent some time on the computer then went back upstairs to my room. I didn't hear his mouth this time as I sat on the side of the bed to take off my slippers when I saw a corner of a card under my bed. It was one of his cards and I thought "Gezz I must of missed that card that jumped out of the deck".

I pick the card up and turned it face up to read "SENSE OF HUMOR" plastered on the top of it.

My mind couldn't take the irony or the fact that he placed that card conveniently on the side of my bed so I could of course pick it up and read it. I never saw that card there before and I tend to sit on the side of the bed a lot. He somehow manifested that card that I KNEW I had in the deck and placed it right there for his "keys of freedom" and his amusement. I of course in my shock wake up Brandon with my ranting and raving. As soon as I saw the card I threw it down, stuffed my hand in the box and threw the deck cards on the ground.

"You win Michael, you win... I can't mess with that" is what I said after I let the event soak in my mind for the better part of the hour and took a run through of the deck to find my "sense of humor" card missing. He indeed proved to me that he was the real deal and that he had a funny bone the size of Texas. It also helped me break out of my "I hate the world" mode and my resentment towards the angels (I will admit Brandon can take the prize for my bad mood buster). Yes, they like to have fun but its not funny when I feel like my world is crashing around me. I hope that he took note of my moody patterns throughout last week.   

Since that day however me and my relationship with Michael have gotten better. My spirit guide Joe has kindly relayed the message to him of how I like to be "alone" in my very upset mood this morning. The first time today when I was called to the cards I felt a "sorry" in them and a wanting to start over (something that I wanted for a few days now!). I drew the cards and he told me that Joe informed him about my ways and that he wanted to start over again. He looked and felt sorry in my imagination something I was really surprised about when everything was one big joke before.

 I was more then willing to forgive him (since I wasn't in a horrible mood) and wanted him to know that I don't mind his childish nature but to "leave me the hell alone" next time I'm pissed off. He hugged me, agreed and told me that he was "leaving". Of course I didn't want him to leave since I was finally friendly with him again but I didn't want to stop him from doing anything that he needed to do. Joe reassured me that he wasn't really "leaving" and was going to come back, and like magic he did! He came back in a less childish personality and a more familiar serious tone.

I wanted to do a card reading with him to "finalize" this starting over ritual and the cards I drew were stunning!

New beginnings and a fresh Start

A favorable outcome

God is in charge

Positive thoughts create positive results

In what feels like forever I completely and utterly agreed in what the he had to say in the cards! He told me that even angels can make mistakes and this will only make our relationship stronger which I'm more then willing to accept. This wasn't the first time I had rough tides with my spirit helpers so I more then knew that this was only the beginning of an awesome partnership. I'm just glad that Michael was so eager to state his mistakes and do all he can to fix them as I followed suit. Even though he might not get offended like a person would, I should be more polite and respectful to him and not tell him to "fuck off" and other offending statements, but I will admit that when I'm taken over the edge I hold no punches.

Though he knew as well as myself that in my heart of hearts I admire and love him to death. Though I always thought my relationship with the divine was rather "odd" then the typical stories that I'm used to hearing. You wouldn't think that angels or archangel Michael at that could piss a person off or be down right annoying but they can. I should be rather blessed that the angels show such sides to me then feel like I've been cursed sometimes.

Right now my bad week and mood has passed and all I want to do is to talk to the angels about everything. I never want to have ill feelings about them or even say that they have their "downfalls" with being in contact with them. I however will state that even in my anger and resentment towards Michael he truly DID stay by my side even when I wanted him to disappear forever. He was willing to further put his head on the chopping block in hopes that I can get a glimpse of the light and humor he was trying to shine on me. He was very consistent on that note and only a true angel would be willing to be hated just to try to make a person feel better, especially me.

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ( Testing out new titles, I seem to have a slight attachment to this one )

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ask The Angels For Anything!

Since I started doing the card readings I have been increasingly wanting to do more with my abilities with the divine. For all my life I've always keep my psychic and paranormal experiences to myself every since I started learning the psychic arts 10 years ago. However, I felt that it was time to throw that secret part of my life out of the shadows. I love reading my oracle cards, talking to my guides, and angels since I've started channeling 3 years ago. Life did get more complex in many ways, but I can't deny that I love having to talk to my divine guardians and helping others hear there own guides.

So now I'm very close to making this apart of my "career" and with my best friend around me a lot I thought it I should tell him first. I had this worry for some time, for months even but the weeks that came before I told him was bad. I thought and thought about the perfect way to tell him and to pretty much blast through this hump. Nothing seemed like a good idea and I was just ruining my days worrying about it. Then AAM (archangel Michael)  urge me to read his cards and reassured me that the angels was putting together the perfect and safe way to tell him. He told me to stop worrying and just ask for the angels help for anything I needed.

This was something I was learning to do since I'm very self reliant in the first place. But Michael has proved to me time and time again that he was very trust worthy and his guidance is accurate. So I put my faith in him and the angels that a solution was coming.

It was about a week or so before anything happened. On May 26th it was like any other morning but I was feeling a bit like a flat tire. So I decided to join chat at my favorite Law of Attraction forum to help cheer myself up. It was odd that everyone there wasn't feeling their best either but it was nice just to be among friends. Then a new friend of mine started a private chat with me where we had a great deep conversation about our experience with the angels. When the conversation started happening I was a bit surprised because it seemly came out the blue and didn't know what to think of it at first.

As the conversation deepen I explained to her my situation and everything that was revolving around it. She gave me nothing but kind and loving support! Even though I was a bit hesitant telling her at first I did feel safe that it was between close friends. I had a lot of self doubt about things and was trying to make my way through those troubles as well, but she kindly assured me that I could do anything I put my mind too. She was the very voice and words that I needed to hear. As she supported me in all my efforts and dreams I gave the same to her, I wouldn't want nothing more then anyone's dreams to come true and I felt very indebted to her. The whole conversation lasted for hours leaving me a very special feeling that everything was okay and that I could tell my old friend anything.

I knew that this was the angel's way of breaking down the internal walls that kept me from telling my old friend anything. A way that I would feel safe and content with my decision to tell him. After the conversation I had with my new close friend I was hoping that my old friend would show up online but I didn't see him anywhere. I knew that the angels had everything under control so I didn't worry about it and went about my day.

Later around 9PM I got up from a less them soothing nap. It was quite warm and humid that week so my comfort in sleep was hit hard. I came down stairs on the computer to simply browse the internet. As I was checking my accounts I had this intense urge from the angels to do an angel reading live stream (the one I did a few posts back). I had that idea for some time but didn't know when I should go about it so I just kept it in the back of my mind for the future. I didn't even make a live stream account for my angel readings so I thought "What the hell could they be up too?". I couldn't do much browsing afterwards because the feeling was strong and they wouldn't stop pestering me so I caved and made all the preparations to do the angel reading live stream.

I was about 3/4 through the live stream and the turn out was quite good! I linked the live stream to the LOA forum so I had the pleasure of meeting and doing readings for my fellow forum members. I could feel the angels around me for each reading and card. I could feel them, see them flying, waving wings, and limbs as black fleeting shadows in the corner of my eyes, I even saw "white" shadows, something I never seen before! The energy was great and I felt on top of the world when my old friend came online. I haven't seen him in days either so what perfect timing! I linked him to the live stream as I went about all the presences I was feeling around me, something I never told him about. I was hesitant but I couldn't stop now, I was having too much fun and the angels where having a ball too.

So I went about the live stream and did everyone's readings. It was just me, my old friend, and Digital Drifter. I was answering DD's questions explaining to him how I got started with the cards and such. He was really interested in the cards and even told me that "he was glad that I was so open with my interest in the occult". My jaw dropped because one of my fears that people wouldn't understand what I did but here's a person that was glad to see me be so open with it. Later in the conversation I found out that DD was my old friend's buddy! I was even more shocked because I thought he was from the forum. He was interested in getting another reading and we arranged a face to face meet up.

We said our good byes at the live stream chat and my old friend instant messaged me via Gmail. He told me how cool the live stream was such while I was getting ready to tell him about my abilities. Even though I was very nervous I was 100% sure that no matter what response I got I was more then okay, I didn't think my world was going to end or be flipped upside down. So I told him about my guide "Joe" that I used to joke about and my channeling of him plus my experiences. He was really excited, pleased, and even wondered why I kept my experiences from him! We had a great deep conversation that lasted into the morning.

That morning I couldn't believe the very events that lead me to where "I" wanted to be in my life since I struggled about my spiritual life for months. The angels were right and made the perfect way for me to tell my friend about my spiritual nature. Not only that but to get closer to another new friend and find someone else that was very interested in my work!

 That time after I did the reading for Digital Drifter face to face that went extremely well. I introduced my old friend's guide "George" to him and even tried a whole new kind of reading for my old buddy. I guess you can it a "psychic reading" since I didn't use the cards and just connected to my old friends energy. I used his guide George and my intuition to get the answers to my old friend's question. Even the psychic reading went way better then I expected and I can't wait to expand on that as well!

Even though its hard to be more open with my psychic and spiritual side I'm letting it happen naturally. I'm very excited for the work I'm ready to open the world to, so I should be proud to say exactly what I do when people ask! I'm an intuitive, psychic, card reader, clairvoyant, mystic, occultist, angel whisperer or whatever title that fits since I'm not really sure myself. Although I LOVE the title "Angel Whisperer" I might actually keep that!

Overall what "I" want people to gain from this is that you CAN ask your angels for ANYTHING, no matter how big or small. Just ask in anyway you want, out loud, writing, singing, dancing, it doesn't matter but you HAVE to ask. They can't help you if you don't give them the green light to help you. Then TRUST them that they heard you and doing all they can to put together the perfect solution for you. Last but not least LISTEN to your intuition! It could be through your gut, repetitive thoughts, sudden ideas, or even a sense of urgency to do something like I got. Go forward with your hunch and see what happens! They are quite crafty so I'm pretty sure they could make your wildest dreams happen. :)

Thanks for reading and visiting! If you want to read more fun and inspiring stories about my days filled with the angels and other mystical beings, feel free to subscribe!

Inner Child The Angel Whisperer   ;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Angels Brought Me a Rainbow!

This happened on May 20th the day before the supposed "rapture". That morning I was contemplating going out to eat to get some needed fresh air. I was feeling very stuffy and needed some time to think to clear my mind about things.

That's when AAM (archangel Michael) urged me to shuffle his cards, revealing that my intuition was right that I should go out in the sunshine and have something good to eat. He was very sure that it was the right thing to do so I trusted his advice and did just that. Before I went on my outing I asked the angels around me to give me lots of surprises and love.

That day was one of my best in some time. I went to my favorite Japanese restaurant and had some Shrimp Tempura udon, it was so good. The waiter was nice and smiled with every request I had, I could feel the great energy in the room! After my meal I went to FYE the local music store in the downtown area that I was in. As of late I wanted to have more hymns, new age, and choir like music in my collection. After listening to "State of Grace"  I was yarning for more music like it. I spent about 2 hours in the music store and all the while I saw a lot of cds that I wanted to get. One which I was very fond of was "Libera" the boy's choir, from the first track I was pretty hooked. After much debate over a few other CD's I wanted, I brought the "Best of Libera" and got me some pretty good coffee on the way home.

It was raining on and off that whole day. When I was leaving from downtown it was raining cats and dogs! However when I came out from the subway into my neighborhood it stopped raining and the sun was coming out! We had rain all this week so I was super delighted. I saw the beautiful clouds and wondered about a rainbow, but since it wasn't raining I didn't think one was going to appear.

So I go about my day, I'm at home and I'm excited about how wonderfully my day went. Then my older sister wanted to take pictures of me and mom in the indoor porch. After she took the pictures I went outside, I looked to my right and saw the MOST GORGEOUS clouds ever so I ran to scoop up the camera and started taking pictures!

While I was doing so, being so inspired by the clouds I asked the angels for a rainbow. When I was done taking pictures my sister needed to find the camera's cord. We couldn't find it ANYWHERE, and its always in one spot where I always put it. So about 15 minutes pass of me looking for it when I go in the indoor pouch and see a RAINBOW forming right outside the house! I saw the clouds and sun in the PERFECT conditions to have a rainbow. The only thing I didn't see was the rain, which I thought was a bit strange. No sooner I come outside the house and start snapping pictures did it start lightly raining out side! The rainbow was a bit dim so I ask them to make it brighter, a few minutes later it was brighter!

Then I asked them to make it a double rainbow and I saw another rainbow forming lightly over the first one. Then it started fading again and I wished that the rainbow would last forever. As soon as it started really fading away it started raining again and ANOTHER BRIGHTER rainbow appeared! It lasted for quite a while, longer then I remembered any rainbow lasting. Not to mention that I haven't seen a rainbow in about a year or longer.

I'm really amazed at how the angels gave me something that I wanted. It reminded me about a similar situation that happened a few years ago. I looked outside and saw the clouds and wished that I would see a rainbow, not too long later it appeared that day! I wasn't 100% sure if it was the angels or not but I was just as amazed on how a rainbow appeared when I asked!

That day while I was typing down the experience I had I felt the angels all over. I lot of little ones since I'm now thinking back on it. They were swirling around me playing with me, enjoying my happiness and gratitude to them. I could see them as fleeting shadows in the corner of my eye. I can also feel their presence behind me flying and moving towards me. They are always excited when I talk about them or if I'm in a very excited mood. A lot of times many will gather and simply play with me waving their limbs it seems. Trying to get my attention at any chance. Its a great feeling when angels are all around you having fun and trying to get you to play with them as well.

If your ever go on a fun outing, before you go ask the angels to give you lots of surprises! Its a great way to have them come in your life in a very fun way. They use anything and everything to try to interact with us. Once we truly knowledge their presence and work they will be on our shoulder nonstop helping us in everything we do!

Thanks for reading and take care! 

Inner Child

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