Sunday, July 17, 2011

Forgiving Yourself From The Unicorn Kingdom

Hey all! This was the card reading that I just done for myself. When I looked at my unicorn cards I knew that they wanted me to shuffle them once again. With this reading I notice that it wasn't just "about me" but for everyone that I have a connection with and anyone that will be lead here. So without further ado here is the card reading I did!

Believe in Yourself

This is more of a reminder that believing in yourself is key to self fulfillment and confidence. We can't ignore our inner urgings to try something new and different, sometimes we have to challenge ourselves to do things that we never done before. But when you believe that you can do them it truly makes the difference! So believe in yourself, your friends, and family so you all can reach new heights!    


Exercise of any kind is great because it helps align the body, mind and soul together in perfect harmony! So take your time, do some stretching and breathing here and there so you can align your body, mind and soul together. It helps you gain insight in your toughest challenges as well as provides divine inspired action in all your goals! Go and move now!


Have you personally forgiven yourself for the things that you thought you've done wrong? Have you forgiven the people that hurt you in your life? If you haven't, give yourself the pleasure and dignity to forgive everyone that you're holding hard feelings against.

 Not because its the right thing to do but you're releasing yourself from harsh and damaging energy to your soul. You can find more joy, happiness, and abundance when you let go of old, tired, negative energy.

 Take a few breathes now and breathe in joy and breathe out anger, mistrust, and hurt feelings toward yourself and anyone that ever hurt you. When you're ready you can stop and write down all the feelings you feel so you can know what's happening to your body and mind at this moment.

Its also a great time to write down all of your goals as if it was happening because of the new energy you just brought into yourself. Once you did the steps from before, release everything to the angels and unicorns. We will help you with these goals and provide stunning information that will help you further release your old energy and help bring in new energy, loving thoughts, and inspired action to your goals!

Thanks for joining us with your new energy and spirit!

The Unicorn Kingdom.  

Don't forget that I'm open to take readings, starting at only $10!

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Imagination: The Unicorn's Perspective

Imagination is key to success, but I often forget about its amazing power. That and seeing my own doubt clouds my inner truth that reaching for your dreams can be fun and effortless.

This is the unicorns wake up call (for the nth time haha) to me that my imagination is my biggest ally and key to opening my dreams into reality.When I was called to the unicorn deck this was the card that flipped face up to me.


 They say using the imagination is the very best way to get success. Not because its a great way to attract it to yourself but you're putting your own energy, dreams, and beliefs into a world that is very close to this one. 

When you imagine things they are just as real as you and I, but they are not yet in the "physical plane". Imagine things going well everyday and they will. Your power of imagination is your greatest gift to all humanity even if people think of the idea as silly. Us unicorns are very real when people dream of us everyday. 

There is nothing wrong with imagining your greatest wishes coming true, that's how you make them real. The biggest tip to you all is to believe in them as well. If you imagine your dreams happening but not believing it will come true then it won't. 

Imagination runs on some form of belief even if your belief lies in another world. It all helps, but you have to remember it comes from the inside first. Imagine, dream, and believe is the biggest key words we have for you today!

Keep dreaming and believing in your dreams, that they can truly come to life! That is the universe's gift to you all!

 The Unicorn Kingdom

Don't forget that I'm open to take readings. A one card reading like this is only $10!

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why Change is Good

A message from the unicorns and myself

This started a few years back. I was only 18 and was at a cross road on what to do with my life. I always wanted to be a game designer or something of that nature because of my love for videos games, design and art. At the same time, in my heart of hearts I had something else pulling at my soul, being humble in maintaining my life through a self made business. A way that I can work with my hands, be happy and make others happy too. Its was hard to think of this as a career choice because I learned that it was hard to accomplish, and that I had no clue where to start. But over a matter of thinking and believing in the law of attraction I figured it was worth my life to achieve something that I truly wanted.

Since then things have happened to help support my efforts in my dream of a self made business. I named this new company of mine "The Candy Sanctuary" (the link takes you to the blog) and its been my heart and soul for many years. Everything I did was solely for that one purpose, to see it prosper and to see myself as a self made success. Yet things have been going against my favor for I have gotten caught up in many many opinions over the years. Not to say that everything I did was wrong or that it wasn't meant to be but my heart and brain wasn't in sync. My brain wanted to be the most hippest, different, and cutting edge "clay sweets and kawaii" company of its kind. I fell into the trap of following what I see to steer me into a place where only my heart could take me.

You see, even though I wanted to be the above mentioned things a big part of me just wanted that simple aesthetic of being myself. However my brain told me that I had to fit into certain roles to achieve success like the other crafters I was seeing. I had to have a certain "look" and "feel" that will attract my target market. I also had to think about cheaper prices then I wanted to be paid for because of the economy. All these things and more truly dug into my skin and made the back bone that I relied on to succeed.

In the recent year I woke up a bit to what I was doing and decided to change my style. I made it more "me" but kept in mind what my company was about. I have gotten into communities that did the same things as me and I learned from that also. I learned to be a little more truer to myself but things were still missing, things still needed to change, and I was still holding on the same basic handles of "reality".

 The biggest mistake I made in this was being overly personal with my "brand" and "identity". I was like a mother that wouldn't let her child roam free with the other kids. I kept my brand close to me and didn't do anything that might meant failure or a "rocking of the boat" sort of speak. I felt that this was my very blood and flesh, I didn't want to do anything to tarnish its name because it will directly reflect on me. When I made social accounts for TCS like twitter and facebook I didn't do anything out the box. I wanted to go by my own rules and not do anything that I felt like was "trying to hard". I didn't want to seem like a flake and over advertise my brand as well. It all was something in truth that I was deathly afraid of.

I didn't want to fail in someway, I didn't want people to think ill of me or my products, I didn't want to seem like someone that wanted something so bad. So bad that I would run over other people to get it.

This is just my wake up call that its okay to be outwardly passionate about my crafts. Not just show them to other people but to want to get paid for them. To be a true business and to be true on behalf of my heart, to really strive and take "risks" to get there. I made this journey way harder then it had to be because of me wanting something so bad but not going far enough to get there. I also still relied on the handle bars of reality to make me a success where only my true unlimited self can take me. I know this now and its yet again, time for change.

When I say change, I want to start over again and to build The Candy Sanctuary from the ground up again. Instead of changing the shell I'm changing the concept, the soul of it into something that was "me" from the beginning to end. No exceptions, no outside opinions, no compromises for anything or anyone. I'm making this into something I truly love because I know that I will be loved for being true to myself and my beliefs in life. I have to lead so others can see what "being your truth" means. Not disregarding other people but having enough faith in yourself that your not looking for the answers outside of your heart. You must spread your own wings and fly to your true destiny because that is the only way to get there.

Other people's wings won't work for you, those wings isn't your true desire. :)

Unless you want to wonder why things don't work for you no matter how hard you try.

So now I want to personally ask the unicorns about change and why its so important, since they told me my decision of my change was a great idea. (In fact that reading was the very reason I started this article haha)

The cards that I drew was:

Let Go of stress!

Best Friends


So here is the unicorns perception of change:

The reason why we say that change is so good because it is happening in everyday life. Everything changes everyday, even your body changes every second of every minute. If you're feeling bored, angry, or sad, you need change. A change in thoughts and a change of feelings.

Change is what keeps us moving forward even if it's as sacred as a person's dream. The very first desire that you wanted to achieve maybe very different from the one you get to, simply because you changed. Something didn't work or something better came along and you changed your desire into something better.

Don't not be afraid of change, its a welcoming force that wants to take you in every moment of its moment. It guides us to make better decisions, it challenge us to see the truth and it makes us into the people that we are now.

If your afraid of change of any kind tell the unicorn kingdom that you need help. We are always there for everyone that need a change of any kind. If you want to move then this is your wake up call that its okay to want that and change.

Change is good, change is required and is open to everyone that wants it. If you resist the changes in your life yes, things will get very difficult and more unpleasant but with an open mind you can make these changes in your life work for you and anyone that you want to see as a success.

Trust us, we had to change too and it was the best decision that we all chose to make. Be strong all of you because a lot of change have been happening, take our hands (or hooves) and you will be guided into your own utopia through change.

Take care and lots of love,

                                    The unicorn kingdom    

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grand opening of Follow Your Inner Child Readings!

Hey all, sorry for the long delay in posts. Its not that I didn't have anything to talk about but A LOT happened that just got in the way. Including working on my grand opening of my readings!

You can now order a reading for yourself through this blog. You should see the tab "Order your reading here" were you can get all the information on ordering your reading. There is also a new "deck and spread information" tab to read about my card decks and spreads that you can have with your reading!

I also have a brand new twitter and facebook page for those who want to follow me and read up on what I'm doing! I hope to see you all there! Don't forget to spread the word about my readings! :D

Thank you all for your support! 

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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