Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The winner of my Manifest Your Desires Spread is!

*drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll drum roll*

You get my Manifest Your Desires card spread!

I will contact you with everything you need to know!

This is the number one spread if you have a desire that you want to come more quickly and easily. Everyone has something they desire but often struggle with the belief of not having it and the resistance they have with what they want. The angels and I can clear both of these crucial stages of manifesting by unraveling what you truly believe now and how to change it for the long run. This spread goes as deep as how your beliefs effect yourself inside and out, how you are attracting at the time of the reading, and how to super charge your attraction, so not only you get what you set forth but plenty of other grand events due to your new positive and heightened attraction!

THANK YOU everyone for being so patient with me. I know you all have been waiting to hear the results, a lot of things came up so I wasn't able to announce the winners as fast as I wanted to. Thank you everyone that joined on the blog and on PI forum! I appreciate it all! I will have another raffle soon with a very special prize! Thank you all again! See you all soon!

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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