Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Manifesting Positivity From Negativity

This is a story about how I back into my positive mindset after a rather negative night. It originally was going to be a Facebook status but for some reason it wouldn't load up. Then I got an intuitive feeling to post it on my blog and wherever someone can benefit from it!


Happy Wednesday everyone!

I just want to say thank you for everyone's support on my last status! It really made me feel good and even more confident in my change of heart. :) So I want to send a huge thank you to you all! I bet some of you are facing some pretty epic changes as well.

Anyway, last night was emotionally rough since I was a listening ear to another family member's problems which eroded my good and creative mood (among other things that night). I will admit, having to have so much thrown out at me at once left me emotionally rattled, I was actually trembling because it was too much.

 Then I had to hear more from another family member which added to my frustration. Which left me dancing on the worried, scared and almost trapped like feeling of "reality". I was pretty much on the verge of tears because I obviously soaked in my family member's crap. That and lately I have been in the position where I'm someone's emotional punching bag. That alone made me very fed up, especially when I'm trying to clear out as much drama as possible. When I sat at my computer, my Life Purpose card deck called out to me and of course I shuffled the cards. The one's that is shown was the one's that came to me.

Dorren Virtue Life purpose deck

Freedom, Artist, Speaker and lastly Builder. The Builder card literally leaped out of the deck and placed itself at the end, so I knew they meant that one haha! In a nut shell, the message was that my "reality" (dream world is a more appropriate word haha) is still my reality. That no matter what I am doing I am "building" the life that I want, and no one or circumstance can take that away from me. I mean it was pretty obvious the artist and speaker cards were referring to my new creative choices and my videos.

I really appreciate the angels always sending me guidance (more like reminders of my dream world) in my rough times, especially in situations like these. And it keeps me on track on what I really want. No one is in control in your life but you, and don't let anyone just come in and try to take that all away, not even yourself.

So I pretty much got my dinner and watched the Victoria's Secret fashion show which was AWESOME on my new 37" flat screen that my dad gifted me btw. I'm not into VS but god this fashion show was just so creative and over the top! A great reminder that I can live my life the way I want to and I'm not bound to anyone's else's ideas of what reality is. Or that I'm some victim of life, an issue I've been overcoming GREATLY in this Fall season. That show really lifted my spirits because the styles were so fun and creative. A lot of people had to come together to make it happen because it was their reality they shared!

This morning I feel almost brand new! I'm working out again and I tried some new manifesting techniques while I worked out! Just a lot of imagining and visualizing. I also spoke positive stuff about myself and my body. It all felt good and my body appreciates it as well! So I'm back in the game and SO READY TO CREATE ONCE MORE!

Moral of the story is that yeah, sometimes we get knocked down. Sometimes people can get under your skin about their issues and problems. It's natural for us sensitive lightworkers to be emotionally drained, rattled, moody and just fucking sick of the bullshit when others are just slamming it on you (without permission at that). It's okay to feel bad but also know that it doesn't take away from what you're doing.

If you're currently trying to build the life that you want, don't let anyone take that attention off of it, even if you do feel bad. Clear it out, cry, tell a caring friend or whatever feels right. But don't beat yourself up over it or somehow think that your views of the world are invalid, it just doesn't match the other person's views and that's okay. :)

Keep marching ahead with your head held high with a positive attitude and you can't go wrong! Brighter days ARE coming because you're MAKING it happen! :)

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