Sunday, July 17, 2011

Forgiving Yourself From The Unicorn Kingdom

Hey all! This was the card reading that I just done for myself. When I looked at my unicorn cards I knew that they wanted me to shuffle them once again. With this reading I notice that it wasn't just "about me" but for everyone that I have a connection with and anyone that will be lead here. So without further ado here is the card reading I did!

Believe in Yourself

This is more of a reminder that believing in yourself is key to self fulfillment and confidence. We can't ignore our inner urgings to try something new and different, sometimes we have to challenge ourselves to do things that we never done before. But when you believe that you can do them it truly makes the difference! So believe in yourself, your friends, and family so you all can reach new heights!    


Exercise of any kind is great because it helps align the body, mind and soul together in perfect harmony! So take your time, do some stretching and breathing here and there so you can align your body, mind and soul together. It helps you gain insight in your toughest challenges as well as provides divine inspired action in all your goals! Go and move now!


Have you personally forgiven yourself for the things that you thought you've done wrong? Have you forgiven the people that hurt you in your life? If you haven't, give yourself the pleasure and dignity to forgive everyone that you're holding hard feelings against.

 Not because its the right thing to do but you're releasing yourself from harsh and damaging energy to your soul. You can find more joy, happiness, and abundance when you let go of old, tired, negative energy.

 Take a few breathes now and breathe in joy and breathe out anger, mistrust, and hurt feelings toward yourself and anyone that ever hurt you. When you're ready you can stop and write down all the feelings you feel so you can know what's happening to your body and mind at this moment.

Its also a great time to write down all of your goals as if it was happening because of the new energy you just brought into yourself. Once you did the steps from before, release everything to the angels and unicorns. We will help you with these goals and provide stunning information that will help you further release your old energy and help bring in new energy, loving thoughts, and inspired action to your goals!

Thanks for joining us with your new energy and spirit!

The Unicorn Kingdom.  

Don't forget that I'm open to take readings, starting at only $10!

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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