Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Twin Flame Dream chronicles: Life Overhaul

Twin Flame symptoms

 Since meeting Korea (the pet name I've given my twin), I've changed gears about my life and whole heartedly decided to completely overhaul it. I want to be thin and even more healthy so I've been doing my belly dancing exercises 5 times a week. I'm normally a bit lazy with it because I get bored easily, but this go round I have a new resolve and I know why I'm doing it! When I first started, I was so excited to do it, and even on week 3 I still have the drive to get up from being exhausted to do it, something I can't say I was willing to do before! I feel the difference in my body and can't wait to get stronger and leaner because of it.

To my surprise I want to fully embody my girly side. I've always had a tomboy look and style with maybe a few dashes of girlyness once in a blue moon. Black, baggy t-shirts, pants, and a pony tail or a bun is basically what you'll normally see me in. If was "dressing up" you'll probably see me in a punk/gothic/rave getup which to this day I still love. But for a while, I wanted to wear more colors, lace, and just girler things.

 Even though I don't look it, I have a huge love for all pink and cute things. I want to show that side more so that I can express myself in more ways then the "dark/scary/I don't get a shit" side of life! Sometimes, I want to be loud and stand out in a bright and colorful way since I love being different no matter what I'm doing. I've also grown an appreciation for mainstream fashion which I couldn't care or less before, I'm still not "into it" but I see pieces that I would love to own! I even want to try my hand (or feet) at wearing heels, something that I used to despise as a teenager. Overall, I want a new wardrobe and get rid of the very old clothes that still plagues my drawers. I'll always have my punk/goth/raver style but I want to expand my everyday style a lot further. I want to look dynamic inside and out!

On the girler note, I want to actually do something with my long hair. Being African American, I was blessed greatly with long hair that everyone would always comment on. I never really cared to do anything with it for the longest time till maybe a few years back. But now, I really want to learn how to do some hair styles, particularly the hair styles out of my Japanese magazines. Their hair styles are always so damn cute! That and I want to learn how to take care of it better then brushing and combing it everyday haha! I was even thinking of getting it dyed and having bangs but I might have to think about that more.

I'm so old school that I live by the phrase "If it's not broke, don't fix it" haha. If however I didn't have to worry about the cons of dyeing my hair, I would want a light pink, or a brown-red color. Something that's catching to the eye. I just don't want to have too much maintenance with my hair. I'm a pretty simply girl so I don't want to constantly go back to fix the roots and stuff like that. So yeah we'll see about all that.

There are a couple of other things that I want to do like whiten my teeth, find more ways to make my skin clear, try my hand at simple make-up and stuff like that, but overall the reason why I want to do all this for myself is so that I can finally look like the person that I feel I am! There is nothing wrong with me now, but a lot of what I'm currently still doing is pretty much in the past, old or doesn't resonate with me anymore.

At the same time, being and looking my best can only bring greater things to me including my twin flame. Whenever we do physically meet, I want him to see me as I see myself, the very best person in the world! Confident, sweet, radiant, beautiful, giving and just so much more. It's my duty to myself to love and cherish myself with unconditional love; putting my very best effort to make myself shine shows how much I care about my body, inside and out!

Now, I want to come out of my shell more and really show what I'm made of. I'm beautiful now with a beautiful personality, but now it's time to really put forth the effort to take care of the body that I came in with. Make it shine, radiant and healthy! Hell, I want to show it off too on the beach and anywhere I go because I'm so proud of it and my effort!

This is just the beginning of my life overhaul journey but I can say that it's starting off quite well!

Thank you all for reading and I hope it inspires you to become your best self!

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