Monday, April 2, 2012

Lightworker Angel reading April 2-8, 2012

Hey everyone!

I'm going to try out a special new kind of angel reading, where I give messages to specific groups of lightworkers like indigo, crystal children/adults, earth angels and etc. This was pretty much done on a whim and I decided to relax a bit more in my videos and let my dorkyness shine!

Even if you're not a lightworker, these messages can still mean something to you, they are not limited to just "lightworkers" it's for everyone that finds them inspiring, helpful and true to them.

This week's reading I'll be focusing on these groups (in order of the video) crystal children/adults, indigo starseeds, and finally nature loving people (incarnated fairies and etc)

For the crystals this is the time to sit down and write out new ideas and TAKE ACTION on them. For the indigo starseeds, you've missed a step along your current progress so you must back track and find what's been missing. That will be the key if something is not working for you or you feel stuck currently. Finally, our nature lovers have been bogged down to the earth with negative energy. Ask he angels to cut your cords and lift that energy off you. So that you can go about your day without tuning into the negativity of the world.

For everyone that's in listening range, JUST HAVE FUN! Life is too short to be bogged down by the coulds, woulds, and shoulds! Also, it helps lift your energy to really high places where it's easier to be in focus of your true loving goals!

Thank you everyone for listening and watching!

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