Saturday, May 19, 2012

Clarification: How I Discovered That I Could Smell Colors!

Smelling Colors Clarification

The day I discovered I could smell colors was a pretty special one. Not because anything over the top happened, but it shows how clearing myself and stepping into my own true power really made me a more powerful being of light.

A little back track first, about a month after I discovered how to channel angels and guides, I was greeted by a random angel that was in the bedroom that actually introduced me to aura reading. That night I was wondering if there was any angels in the room, when I let my hand get limp I've gotten a sign that yes, there was an angel by me.

Upon further inspection this angel was on "vacation" from her duties and found her way to me by from the light I was radiating. She mentioned that it was the brightest in the neighborhood. When I asked for a name she decided to choose "Sonia" the author of the book I was reading at the time. After a bit of talking I learned that she was a psychic angel and I don't remember if I asked or she mentioned it, but I learned that she could read auras and I asked about my own.

I'm quoting this since I was writing everything down of what she said:

 Pink is a special color. I can see auras well, that's what I was made for. Pink means... It's hard to explain... People aura colors change into one another. Some colors you don't see often like gray, black which is really bad but pink not sure of any other color.

- What does pink mean? (Pink is my all time favorite color)

Pink is a really rare color for one and very special and good. It like a hero, demigod, grand destiny.

After that I had her draw my own aura and even done the same for some of my friends and family. From what I could tell they were pretty accurate. Me and Sonia hang around each other for a few days. On one of the last days she coached me on how to see/perceive the aura. The only thing I would get is a random color in my mind's eye, and just a knowing. I only tested it on my own guides that turned out to be dead on (especially now) and just random people on the street. Even though my own guides were giving me positive feedback I wasn't sure if I was right or not. At the time I was keeping my abilities under wraps so I didn't have anyone to test this theory. After a while I stopped trying to see the aura for about 2 or so years.

Fast forward a few weeks back from today after practicing seeing the aura again on and off again for months I watched this color scope reading. Elizabeth has amazing videos so I highly recommend every single one of them!

The reading consisted of three senses: vision, sound and smell that you had to intuitively pick out. I felt drawn to smell and when it came time to talk about the smell sense, she had bottle of essences and oils that she was going to randomly pick out of a bowl. She said to intuitively guess which color she was going to pick out. My mind completely raced and said purple haha! After I calmed myself, got quiet and took a whiff of air and  "smelled" blue. No sooner I did that, she had picked out a rich blue colored bottle, I was floored!

It was so sudden and strange to smell a color but I was dead on and it felt "right". It's like the color just came to me in a way. I wanted to see if I truly had the gift so I decided to test my sense in a few rooms in the house which were all accurate upon looking up the colors I smelled!

The greatest thing that really showed me that I had the gift was doing a reading for my friend Jer and myself. His reading was very in depth, really taking how he felt about his situation and laying it out in front of him. He was "impressed" and so was I, which is saying a lot since it's hard to impressed myself these days lol. When I did a reading for myself I was truly blown away! It took exactly what was going on in the "inside" of me and laid it out for me to read. There was no "not getting it" or a resistance to it, it was all laid out for my viewing pleasure. I couldn't ignore the facts that my clarification grabbed about me.

Since then, I opened my aura readings on the Powerful Intentions forum to further practice and develop my clarification with some stellar reactions!

I couldn't be more happy to discover my ability because with all the plans I have going for myself, this can help so many people! When I was practicing on myself and my personal friend, I can feel the blocks we had and the reasons we had them. I could not only tune into a person's aura and the dominate situation they was in, but completely different levels of the energy body, situations, (sub) conscious, time, and just whatever and whomever I chose.

Even by complete random I smelled my twin flame's aura which was a very romantic lavender. I even gotten the book "Life Colors" and discovered that my two life colors is crystal (didn't see that coming LOL) and lavender (the color I secretly wanted!).

With that said, earlier in the post Sonia said that I had a lot of pink in my aura and what it meant. For a very long time I was super uncomfortable sharing what she said to me with anyone, even now. There is only one person I shared that information with, and now I'm sharing it with all the world.

Since that was 2 years ago I'm pretty sure that color changed for me because when I read my own aura, pink never showed up. However, I do feel that there are many levels of energy in the world and in a person so what she picked up was definitely something I'm carrying in me. I also just learned how to channel at that time so that could of been the energy I was in currently, though I feel it's miles deeper then what she explained.

Another thing to consider is that when I felt my higher self for the first time she was a pink angel (in clothing anyway) and had rose colored wings (I have yet to post about it). I'm not sure why she came to me in pink but I know that is a very important color in my life especially since pink is indeed my all time favorite color!

Even when I was doubting what Sonia said about me, I picked up an aura book about a year or so later that told me the same general meaning that Sonia gave me (Pink normally means romance, compassion, love and etc), even some aura sites online have the same general meaning that Sonia gave me. And honestly as far as I can tell she wasn't lying about it. There is a ton of things that I never mentioned before that completely ties into that pink aura concept. I'm hoping to be able to share those stories really soon!

Even though what she said made feel good and made sense, I was really reluctant about it after awhile. It made me more timid and afraid to share myself fully to the world because of the possible negative backlash I might get for it. I love being different, but being told I was "special" (in more ways in one over the last 2-3 years) can be really taxing to a human soul.

However, since I've been facing my demons about the issues about myself, I'm a lot more willing to let my hair down and show exactly who I am without the fear that someone may not like it! With that said, you might hear some pretty amazing yet whacked out stories, concepts and basically the whole nine from me from now on haha!

I hope this answers the questions you all had about me discovering my ability!  

Till next time! :) 

♥♥♥ Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ♥♥♥

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