Thursday, June 21, 2012

Candle Magic

Angel Candle Magic Success

I started to do candle magic in the very beginning of June. I wanted to learn how to do candle magic so I can use another manifesting and healing tool in my life. I also wanted to learn more about candle magic for my secret project (will explain in a later post) along with vibrational healing and learning.

The first time I did it I wasn't sure if I should use it to clear the blocks inside of me or not. I was thinking about it quite a lot and when the time came to do it (after much procrastination) I was drawn to attract success.

Actually, that night before I was asking my spirit guide, Michael, (not the archangel!) to help me in candle magic, because I know he's quite the veteran for things like this. I felt that he was the one that told me to attract success rather then try to clear out a block. That and attracting success was a lot easier for me to focus on. I was really nervous doing it because I didn't want to mess up or get the spell wrong. But doing it for the first time, the whole process, it's not that bad. In fact it's really fun!

The candle I used for success was the gold taper candle. I followed the instructions and lit the candle (by lighting a white candle with a lighter then lighting the gold one with the lit white candle). The smoke was white and the flame was strong, which meant that my answer to my desire was a big "YES". I was so excited because as I was doing the ceremony, I was imagining everything that I wanted to happen in my life becoming successful, and to see that it is coming to me is a HUGE TREAT. Plus, everything else have been working quite nicely for me! Since then, I felt good enough (without feeling intuitive blocks) to finally order the materials to make candles, as well to start on the secret project I have planned for you all. I also felt the need to make a smaller business and shop for my deco den and crafts, as well as to start writing a book. I'm also going to start selling my crystal code readings soon, I feel it's the time to do so.

In fact, by the end of summer I want all my businesses and projects to be up and running. There is a lot I'm trying to fit in my life right now but I feel good about it! I'm also trying to buckle down on my Korean with sticky notes and index cards.

With everything that I'm planning to do, I can tell that my success is coming because things are finally working in my favor. That and I'm wiser which can help me navigate through almost anything.

And recently I had a great idea to start clearing myself on winning the lottery. If I cleared myself on it, I'm sure in a few months I will be able to win a lot of money. I don't feel money will change my life in a negative way. I know it's just a tool to make my ideas and generosity grow. With my negative beliefs of the lottery going out the window I know I will attract a win for sure, and I want to win millions!

I almost forgot. I did my second candle magic on 6/14/2012, this time to attract and give love of all kinds! I used a pink candle rolled in sage for happiness. The flame was kind of jumpy at times and bent to the sides at the beginning, but the flame was quite large, much bigger then my success one. At one time the flame was jumping and was so tall that I thought I had to put it out to avoid a fire!

Reading into the fire, my desire was a "yes" but the energy I was receiving/focusing on or whatever was so strong that it made the fire react as it did. I could also tell that the strong energy was in "waves" because at times like after the flame got huge, the flame was a lot smaller, then when back to normal. It was scary, fun and enlightening. I forgot to mention that I watched sailor moon while waiting for the candle to burn down, I'm not sure if that effected the candle as well.

At the beginning, I also felt that Archangel Michael was cutting my cords and acting on my behalf to get the result I was asking for (maybe the reason for the flames behavior?). When I focused on the flame, I had a vision of a gray crown made of wax and it dripping down my face, that's when I sense Michael doing his cutting. I'm not sure what it all meant but the end result was good, though I'm feeling iffy for whatever reason. Probably because it was scary at times.

Also after that magic, I thought that since I was an incarnated seraph (I'll explain about that later) I would be able to control fire with my mind. It really shocked me and made sense since seraphs are the "burning ones" after all. So on my free time (after I clear myself of being afraid of learning telekinesis!) I'm going to try to start a flame on the candle using my mind. 

Thanks for reading take care! 

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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