Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cherubs Of Abundance

Angel Of Money

This was apart of a bigger post named "How To Make Money Love You" inspired by this blog post by Steve Pavlina. When I was going over and refining the original blog post, I felt that this should be a stand alone post. I guess you would call it inspired action, but I felt like it was better if I let the cherubs of abundance get their own post about how to attract more money.

The cherubs of abundance are the loveliest group of cherubic angels that helps you find more fun and lighthearted ways to manifest money. They are not as intense as the angel of money, but more childlike and light with their approach. I even based a card spread of the same name on the cherubs of abundance since they are so helpful and easy going in their approach.

The following paragraphs is directly from the cherubs of abundance via automatic writing, or in this case typing haha! The only editing I did was spelling and grammar.


Money is a medium. Like an artist, you can learn how to play, mold, and transform the energy of "money" into things that you desire.

Your desire however must come from a place of purity. A purity that can stand the test of time, an unwillingness to see the "reality", and a will to only see good and perfection in everything that happens.

It's not about making money, it's transforming the money miracle, the energy and the vibrations into that you can consciously control. You can make money love you. You can command money to come to you in wild forms and experiences. You are the holder and the creator of your world. Use money as a tool to make it more grand. When you give your power up to something outside of you, you lose control over everything. Because you are no longer having a conscious decision on what will work and not work in your world. You are giving the decision to something else, which is separate from you.

But being willing to be playful, have fun and think of money as a medium you can paint with, then just simply money. You will make it easier to come to you. Because you're not giving it so much power over you. You are giving money no power which will be easier for you to weld. Give it enough power and it will always deny you.


These angels are giving us the mental tools we need to be in control of how we feel about money. Lately, through my journey of facing my demons, more of my "true goals" came into light. I felt excited, passionate, and willing to go for my dreams, and as that happened I noticed something. I wasn't hung up on money as much. Some how my spiritual work and only doing that work was more important than doing my work to make money. I realized that money or no money, I could serve the world, and that money will always find me. This made it easier for me to not only do more of my passion but to do it on a clear slate. Where I can make mistakes, learn and change without the worry of losing or failing to make money.

No sooner than those concepts came to light, more money in fact came into my life through my passion. So no doubt, having less priority to make more money and being your Super Self (embodying your higher self) makes money come to you. Because you are not concerned about it coming or going, just the work you want to do. That childlike excitement to put yourself out there and do what you always wanted to do. Those are the things that make life so good, because when you come from a place of love and service, everything you want will come running to you! You never have to worry about anything because you always know you are going in the right direction.

That is what the angels want us to know and do. Do whatever your heart is calling you to do, but don't make "making money" first on your list. This will only block you from not only what you want, but what you need. Forget about the money and just do what you love because you love it. Soon, you will see money showing up slowly but surely and more frequently. It all just takes is a big heart, a lot of drive, passion and a touch of magic!

Before a few months ago, I never thought of manifesting money as an "easy" thing to do. I always have to do something, or overcome an obstacle to get it. But I'm seeing and receiving information that, money is no different then any other desire we have. We just have to change how we feel about it, and trust that "we" can make it work.

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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