Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to be your inner child

Being your inner child means a lot to me. As in there are many factors to really express that fun, happy, innocent, child like soul we have in the inside. For me its taking what I see around me, the real world and turning it into a giant fairy tale. Where angels, fairies, and unicorns exist in the physical along side me and having every minute of my day feel like I'm living for the first time. Its when I can wake up and hear the birds singing and think how beautiful they are without directing my mind to it, it just happens naturally! I literally feel like I made the real world into my own unique planet full of wonder, and that's just the tip of the ice berg. From learning to express my true self which I like to call my "inner child" things came to me right when I needed it. I get surprises from family and friends just thinking of me. My cat wants to rest on my lap. My intuition speaks to me more which led me to great things. Events that once bothered me, I can't notice because I'm in such a great state of mind. I can feel that my path is clear and the progress of it.

I'm an artist, crafter, and graphic designer so its extremely important for me to have an upbeat mood to really be inspired. When I'm stressed, angry, or depressed the easiest of jobs become the hardest ones. Everything in my world stops at a grinding halt and I feel out of wack with the universe and all its gifts. All the good things that I see and do suddenly stops when I feel lost in a big world. That's why I choose to see the good and to play in everything I do. That positivity and light that you'll emit will attract even more well being in your life and more chances to be your inner child!

Being or channeling that inner child isn't a hard thing to do. It takes simple little steps to take your day to day activities into something special and wonderful. Each day I remember to say "good morning" to all my guides and divine helpers. I think about how wonderful my day is going to be and think of all the fun I'm having. I go downstairs to greet my guinea pig Caramel and open the front door to let that sunshine and fresh air in! Of course just seeing it through the door isn't enough so I stick my head out to greet the day and the natural kingdom. After that, I have a light breakfast and go to do some fun bellydancing to wake up my body and mind. Soon after I start my chosen activities in a bright and happy mood.

I wasn't always like that, in fact I just started letting in my inner child 24/7 instead of once in a while or in certain situations. Once I saw the benefits it gave me I was hooked! I know all of you who wants to bring that light, love and passion of your inner child will see the positive benefits as well!

My number one tip to new comers of this great state is to wake up happy. To wake up happy you have to go to bed happy which can be hard if you have everyday struggles. When your going to sleep take the time to be grateful for what you appreciate in life, even the smallest things. That feeling of appreciation will help relive and get you in a better mood. This is just one of the many things you can do to get happy while going to sleep. Some of my favorites are:
      ♥   Imagine a special event that you want to come true
      ♥   Focusing on the better parts of the day
      ♥   Visualizing stress leaving your body
      ♥   Saying positive affirmations to yourself  
         Listening to guided meditations and soft music

There are TONS of other things that you can do so always search and do only the methods that you like.

Once you wake up happy you have to carry that energy through out the rest of the day which can be challenging. Once we start to "merge" back into our routine we can easily fall back to the same old emotions that we are used to feeling. To help combat that and to start sprinkling that magic on your activities here are other small simple steps to help carry that energy through out the day!

            Avoid TV shows, news paper articles and other events that makes you feel sad or angry.  
          Take 15 minutes to day dream
            Play with your imagination to imagine things that aren't there ( like helpful fairies!)
        ♥   Go on the internet and collect pictures that you love
            Say good morning, good night, and simply "hi" to the angels
           Talk to nature and plants
            Do something creative like drawing or scrapbooking
            Notice how beautiful the small things are in your day
            Play with your pets
          Do a light workout in the morning
          Playing upbeat music

These are things that I do in my life but you are not restricted to it. There are as many methods as there are stars in the sky since we all are different!  If you feel that your inner child is tugging you to do something then do it! :)

This post have been super fun for me! The best part of writing this is that its only 1% of how a person can follow their inner child. There is so many fun and exciting things that one can do to bring out that inner awesomeness that this was only the "warm up" session of it all. Thanks for reading and visiting my Eden in the real world.

Take care!

                   ♥Inner Child

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