Friday, May 13, 2011

Inner Child's Fantasy Forecast

♥ For May, 14-15th, 2011 

Hey all! Welcome to my first ever "Fantasy Forecast" where I give you all the scoop for the coming weekend! 

This weekend is a special weekend because its my birthday and I plan to travel to Atlantic city, New Jersey! I'm ready for the fun and detachment from everything when I get there so I'm very eager to hear this card reading.

This reading I'll be using my latest favorite deck, the Magical Unicorns! Their fun childlike nature is very natural and fun for me. Its the perfect deck to hear about the energy and theme for my birthday weekend.

♥ The first card is "Try Something New"

I feel an energy coming that directs us to not try something new but to start over on old goals, solve problems and to look back on ourselves to see how much we grew. The unicorns are saying that old energy is starting to leave and make room for the new. Once we take advantage of this new and fresh energy a lot of our desires and aspirations will be realized and come to us a lot quicker.

They are saying to unlock that childish part of you. Explore your areas of interest in a new way and light, so that you can uncover things that you never saw before. When we try something new everyone wins because of the fresh new energy that we spread to the world and each other.

The card's picture of the "ocean wave" signifies this new, fun energy that's coming into our lives at this moment!

♥ The second card is "You'll Know in the Morning"

This card tells me the old problems that we hold inside will start arising again in different forms. The unicorns are saying that the new energy that's coming forth will make you face your problems head on. The easiest way to deal with the challenges is to forgive yourself and to give it up to the angels and unicorns.

The fresh energy that's coming can lift and solve problems much more quickly then putting forth action. This is the time to where you can ask for something and it can come to you in lightening speeds. When you have an on going problem ask the angels to come and solve it so that you can focus on the bigger picture. In time the universe will make ways that you can resolve the problem where everyone wins and learn from it.

This is also the time to rest or to take a long needed break. New energy often heals wounds of all kinds faster then we can imagine. We just have to keep a better positive outlook to reap the benefits. The unicorns are asking to not just be gentle on yourself but others as well.

The morning sky in the card signifies that when we are patient the answers can come from anywhere like the sun dawning every morning. When we look at our limited options and see only "limited" places where the answer can come from, the answer will be much more harder to find.

  The third and last card is: "Worth Waiting For"

When the weekend is heading to its end on Sunday, things will calm down and restart again on a better note. All the work, play, and problem solving will work it self out and eventually fade. Bringing us into the new week with new charged up energy that will be beneficial to us all. 

The unicorns are saying that if you are waiting for something to happen continue that wait, for that the answer is still on its way. If your looking at making more money at this time, make the decision to wait later into the week, where the energies can take that flow into a higher space.

 Everything that we our waiting to see and do will be on hold for the energy to take shape. To form new opportunities, ideas, and situations that will bring all of our work in a higher space and energy where it can really shine. The unicorns asks everyone to take their time with decision making, especially life changing ones, the answer can be around the corner and with the smallest action we can divert it elsewhere because of our change of plans.

The unicorns are expressing their love of patience because of the awards it can bring. When your are bored or really anxious of what's coming, take that time to write down your feelings on paper so that the energy will be channeled in a positive way. Things will turn out better then you can imagine!

This was a fun and very uplifting reading! I'm very excited to express my desires when I head to the ocean's edge tomorrow. I hope you found this reading to be just as uplifting and insightful.

Thanks for reading and visiting! If you want to catch more Fantasy Forecasts, up coming free reading raffles, and other fun and inspiring articles, feel free to subscribe!

Thanks again,

♥ Inner Child 

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