Monday, May 9, 2011

Meeting Arch Angel Michael

For my very first post it will be a very special one, where I met arch angel Michael in my dream on Monday morning.

That day before I went to Borders to try to get two angel card decks that were on sale. Unfortunately all the card decks, even the tarot cards were sold out. I was pissed naturally because I've waited all day to go and get the cards. However I did get a drawing book that I always wanted on sale. Even then, I was still disappointed about not getting the card decks.

Since the cards wasn't there I skimmed through a few books that looked interesting in the new age section. One was an angel book by Doreen Virtue and I skimmed through most of it. I did read a few bits of a story of a women asking for protection from arch angel Michael for her car trip. That made me thought "oh yeah" about the fact you can call on Michael for protection. So after my book trip everything was normal till that Monday morning when I woke up and went back to sleep and had a few dreams.

The last dream I had ended up on a runaway train cart while holding a child that I met in the dream I had before this one. The dream was clear, bright, and even though I wasn't lucid dreaming, I was very aware. More aware then I've can remember in a dream. So while I'm realizing what's going on, I'm starting to freak out because I didn't want to get hit by an in coming train. There were times where I was planning how to jump off the cart without hurting myself or the child. We had a few close calls with trains coming on the left side tracks, and there were times where our cart switched tracks. So at one part of the dream, we go under a bridge and immediately know that I'm dreaming. At that same moment I remember that I can call on Michael for protection. That's when I made a heart felt plead to Michael to protect me and the child. I think I said "Michael please protect us" or something like that. This wasn't the first time I asked for help (from anyone at that) in a dream, but this was the first time that I felt the emotion that I did when I asked for Michael's protection. The dream itself felt more real then I'm used to, but for some reason I remember the strong feeling of "I really need some help right now" at that moment.

So right then and there the cart switches tracks and I fall on my face on the ground. I look up and can feel the gavel in my hands, I even remember seeing the pebbles and rocks fall out my hands when I held them up to me. After that, I collapse again to the same position when I think of the child that I was holding! So I scramble to get the child from under me. I remember feeling the weight of the girl as I picked her up and hold her in front of me, only to find out that she was replaced with a doll! The stuffed doll had small X's across her face where the eyes were suppose to be and was made out of material of a potato sack. I still know that I'm dreaming so when I saw this my first reaction was "wtf?" that and "What the hell is going on? The child was just here? This is really weird". When I mean weird, I mean more weird then normal in my wildest lucid dreams. Something was up but I didn't know what. I turn to my left and see a person hiding behind a concrete column then disappears to the second column behind the first one. I could only see the a really shadowy face and the upper half of the body. I knew whoever the person was, they had something to do with what just happened. So then I either get up or the dream pans over but I see a young boy, not older then 10-12 years of age and he was short. He had brown/caramel skin, round very determined eyes, normal nose, a really round face, really pouty lips that was tinted red like he had a really light lip stick. His hair was out and fluffy that came down to his shoulders, and he had two fluffy pig tails on top of his head. He had on a red traditional Japanese outfit with a tan/cream sting going around his waist. He had matching read pants that puffed out at the end. He also had a sword but I didn't see it in detail, but I knew he had one.

I was so shocked because one, he looked nothing like the traditional pictures of arch angel Michael. Two, because just the aura and the presence was incredible. When I first saw him, I stared in his face and was amazed at the detail of it. I was literally scanning his face and recording it in my mind so I can remember it. Down to the lighting and shading of the face I was so awed by what was happening. Then looking at his eyes his eye brows were tilted down to his eyes, but he wasn't angry but had a very determined look. Everything was so real and detailed that without a shadow of a doubt he was the real thing standing before me. I was completely blind sided by the whole thing.

After a second or two of looking at him I say out loud "oh my god, how cute!". A second after that he says "its done" or "its over" then turns around to leave. I run up to him and he jumps head first forward and fades away from sight. So after that I start to walk home from the place I was at. While I was walking I saw two other older men in the same outfit (black in white colors) run pass me to where arch angel Michael was. While they was running I saw this concerned look from them. It was like they just missed a huge event or wanted to see arch angel Michael themselves. Also I felt they were his followers or were apart of his group.

So after I saw the two men, the dream pans over to where I'm going down the steps in my house. My mom and sister was there and my mom was telling me about how she won hundreds of dollars from doing internet polls. Then she tells me the child (I had during the cart ride) was at home, I thought to myself "sheesh" then woke up.

When I woke up I instantly remembered the whole dream and seeing arch angel Michael. I was amazed at what just happened and wrote the whole thing down in my journal. Then later that evening I drew a head shot picture of what he looked like before I forgot any details. I also drew a full body picture that day after. Since I had that dream I've had signs of his presence. When I had the feeling to do a card reading, two cards fell as I was shuffling them. Of course the arch angel Michael card was one of them that fell. I also did a reading for a friend where he was the first card drawn. I've had a closet door open as soon as I sat at my computer desk and even seen and heard his name on t.v over and over again among other things.  

Also that day of the dream I finally had the drive to finally start up my blog shop. It came out the blue late at night as I was telling my friend that I wanted to be productive but had no inspiration for it. Then bam! I suddenly had all the inspiration and the fearlessness to finally open my shop. As well do all the things that I needed and was holding off to do. No doubt that it was his way to push me to do the things I was holding off on. I remember having those same kinds of feelings before in other tough parts of my life, when I was fed up with something. All and all a lot has happened since the dream 3 days ago. A lot of things that I needed and wanted to happen came to pass. It just seems like a wall has been broken down where I can finally move forward easier.

I'm not sure what's in store but I can't wait to see what happens next. Till then I want to work on the pictures that I drew of him in my dream. You can see them both down below. I hope you all enjoy my very first post. Till then, take care! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Child,

    Thanks for that awesome recounting of your bright dream! :D

    In case you want to research further into that type of dream, that's what it's called: a bright dream.

    I've had a couple.

    They're more visions than what most people consider dreams. Objects have a persistent sense of reality. You can look away from something, and when you look back it's still there. You can focus and look closely at something, and it doesn't change--or if it does, then that's a significant event.

    In these dreams, I feel one discovers one's self. It goes beyond the symbolism. The more time one just spends there, the more real and solid one feels.

    What an astonishing experience of the Arch Angel you had. And how precious and generous the child-like manifestation! :O)

    Child, you are blessed! Nonetheless, to you, even more...

    Sunshine & Blessings,


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