Monday, February 20, 2012

Lightworker Prologue

Before I officially begin this series of blog posts, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on what to expect. Even though this is more of a "self-help" type of series, my own personal story and journey will be intertwined throughout it. I like being as honest as possible when it comes to giving out my own story, because I don't think "sugar coating" for the sake of the "target audience" is truly teaching. I want you to know everything I went through, both good and bad.

 I fully believe that anyone can live a happy easy life through law of attraction and any other method out there. But, what I don't find helpful is when people omit the struggle from their journeys or say "If you think/believe/act positive enough, life will be easy".

That is not the case for me and the typical Lightworker life. I'm not saying positivity doesn't work, but trying to be happy all the time and aimlessly chase Nevada through books, seminars, CDs and worksheets won't eliminate your lessons that may very well contain struggle.

If there is an important lesson that we have to "get through our thick skulls" and it can't be learned through ease, there will be struggle, resistance, and all the nasty things that everyone said we could get rid of in our lives. But after that, you're golden, and I believe the cloud 9 everyone is talking about can be achieved easily. But that is another post for another day.

To cut a long story short, I'm going to be a little (a lot) harsh, a little (a lot) brutal and just tell it the way it is through my eyes, which can also contain a cynical nature. However, I don't want to "color" this series with a negative mocking flair so I'll cut the cynical-ness as much as its not twisting the truth of the matter or my honest feelings.

These posts will be quite bulky as well, there will be a lot of information, concepts, stories and the whole nine. I'm going to bust the lid off of everything I thought I knew about this (I'm still learning everyday about Lightworkers so I'm pretty sure the universe will dish everything out). Then serve everyone that wants to know more about themselves and the universe at large on a fat sliver plate. The good, the bad and the very ugly. You can think of me as a mini Archangel Michael (as much as I hate to admit it lol).

When everything is said and done, I'll always keep room for an empathic ear and a compassionate heart. We all need love, that support and that knowing that someone else is there to hold your hand, something I want to give all Lightworkers.

I'll try to post once a week, but I'm not making any promises. I need peace, quiet and a clear energy area to do these types of posts which I don't always have.

If you have any questions about anything I put up here, or just a question in general don't hesitate to ask! I find questions helpful for everyone involved and it helps the growth process. Also, if you want me to touch on any subject matter, please let me know, I'll be more then happy to incorporate them if I haven't or planned to already!

So if you're ready for "all this" I suggest to buckle your seat belts because its going to be one hell of a ride! :D

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