Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How I Found My Divine Purpose

Finally, after months and months of thinking about it and planning it, I'm finally going to start posting some much needed information about "lightworkers".

Originally, I wanted to exclusively post articles related to being a crystal child adult. Since I was guided that I was one myself, less then a year ago, I figured I should share some much needed tips on living a more peaceful life as one. Life has been more and more intense for me in the last 3-4 years, so the least I can do is to show people a better way to be if they are on the same path.

However, my calling wasn't solely for crystal children, but all children, of all kinds, children of the mass universe. On that day, since knowing I was a leader and guardian of the crystal children (I will post about it), my divine nature only got more vast then I could imagine. I won't get into details because quite honestly I'm still weary about telling others. It all seems so out of the box (more then I'm use too which is really saying something) that I'm not sure what other people will think, though that shouldn't be a concern of mine. It doesn't make my journey or path any less real, in fact the things that I was shown couldn't be realer. Everything fits so perfectly with the line of events that happened to me from years ago or just in my whole life in general, I would be a fool to not believe it 100%.

Its just that I want to know more, I've been given some great key elements to who I really am. Which only leads to more questions and to want to know the "whole thing", but I know they show me these things when it's the right time, so I have to be patient.

With that said, I know my divine purpose or at least, one of many. I feel like I will have quite the active life ahead of me, and I'm not even done with the "start up course". Of course, I'm not the most patient person in the world when it comes to my path, so I want my life to "really get started". I want to do big things, so its frustrating just trying to get your angel card business off the ground, when you feel like you have so much more to do and offer to the world. I love doing the angel readings but I want to do 1000 more things along with it, but it will come in time.

Getting back to my original subject, my divine purpose is one of many. I never truly "figured it out" till last week or so, since I've been shown many things. A lot happened to lead up to that moment which are private, but it once again it opened up my bleeding heart about how much I want to help people, more so lightworkers.

Giving some back-story, so you all can understand, I never really considered myself a "people person", in fact I'm not a people person. I could really care or less about being sociable to most of the population since I'm naturally a loner. Despite that, I always shown great concern to people and friends online that have personal problems. I honestly don't know where it comes from, because I'm never like that towards people offline. Somehow, I just have that tick about me, that goes to the rescue when people need to hear the truth.

 I can say I enjoy it, because I DO want to see people happy and not in struggle. It's almost like I have that magical answer to their problems that they don't know about, so I'm doing a great service just telling them about it haha (Not the mindset I truly have but more or less the unconscious "drive" behind the motive).

So with that, I'm not a people lover but I have an uncanny desire to help when I see someone in need. Now, increase that scenario 100x over, I'm greatly sensitive others emotions, so that means I feel what they feel. That struggle, that pain and just that need to be truly supported. Then mix that with my own desires to help which is heighten on its own, a very combustible mix, it always leaves me in tears, sadness and a deep burning desire to do something about it.

That's what happened a few weeks ago with a good friend of mine, and it made me quite angry at the world that people like us, "lightworkers", are not fully supported. I know there are support groups out there but I want something more, a lot more. I wanted to do something about it to fix this epidemic that I felt was happening for sometime now. All that light and love, the golden age, things are changing for the better hoopla that everyone is so excited to share, doesn't mean shit if no one is doing the work to get us there, even more so, are even happy with themselves or their lives.

 I don't want to sound like a negative minded person but I honestly feel like if we don't do something "now" to fix it, we'll be crawling to the finished line. I don't think the world is going to blow up or anything like that, but I have a severe urgency about this. If no one is dong the work they came here to do, or even out of commission because they never learned about who they are, how can we expect things to change? I don't want to kill anyone's dreams about a better future but it's really crunch time if we want this to work.

These were the basic feelings that swam in me that early morning last week. Something needs to be done, and as I thought about it, I had this odd feeling in my stomach that this was what I was meant to do. I can't explain the feeling but it was dead on. So as I thought about it, all the crazy events, messages, synchronicities, dreams, symbols and feelings started coming together in a cohesive matter almost instantly! All the pieces I've been shown is now coming together in a bigger picture that I completely understood. I felt good that morning, to tears even. For once in my life I got the answer I was truly seeking for years, my divine purpose. ( just saw 555 on my clock how cool is that?)

As excited as I was, this is only the beginning. My guides have always said that what I'm doing now, the angel readings, is the "kiddy version" of what I really came here to do, so I know that learning my purpose was the easy part, I now have to start it.

Thus this post was made, to get you guys up to date with the new line of blog posts I will be doing! Everything lightworkers, sensitive people, crystal children, star people and the like. It's our job to go after our dreams but we have be more spiritually supported to do so as well, something that I'm willing to do, something I was born to do! ;)

Till next time! 

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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