Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love All of You!

Love Yourself Spiritual Guidance

It's so important to show and express love to yourself. I see this horrible theme that the "ego" is holding you back, leading you to disaster and destruction in your life. That it has to be transcended, erased and surmounted. 

This is the WORNG way to treat yourself. Know that every part of you, even the parts that you DON'T like is very much as apart of you as the good parts. The "ego" isn't something to get rid of, it's to be cherished and loved because it's TELLING you something. If you feel jealous, sad, or angry the best thing that can happen is your inner voice, child, or ego to sit up and say something about it. Of course your ego aka YOU will blame your own problems on outside circumstances (consciously or subconsciously) but the best part of that is the acknowledgment.

You can't change what you don't knowledge!

That is the very moment you go inside and start speaking to your inner most self, revealing the way you feel in its complete rawest form. Honestly is everything. Once you dig up more and more emotion, pain, and inner turmoil it will become clearer that you created your own unhappiness even if it stemmed from others treating you unfairly. It's about revealing your most true self that isn't always a sugar coated being. It can be hurt, scared and most of all malnurtured. The more we ignore are inner most issues the more we create them, leading us to use escapism methods through everything we do (spiritually especially) to keep us from the pain and embarrassment of our true feelings.

Give yourself compassion for all you have and have not done. It's okay to not be perfect, to not compare to your own or someone else's standards. To feel inadequate or not good enough, selfish, or letting yourself or other people down. It really is okay because no one is perfect, and you know what? It is the perfect time to shout to the world that you're not perfect and let those raw emotions go. From there you will find that you were pure from the start, you just left things unchecked.

We all suffer from not being a perfect being and that is okay.

 It's so important to have a quality of self than to have a "sunny disposition" about things, to have an unyielding steam of abundance, to be "happy" all the time, or to have everything you ever wanted. Your possessions can be taken away at any given moment, but your sense of self can not. If you see yourself through all that you have gained material wise, you are more then likely trying to accommodate for the lack in yourself. And that is the hardest thing for a person to admit, especially for a person that is highly determined and has high ideals. 

 As awesome as it is to be positive, happy and be on cloud nine everyday we all have to realize that we all hold different hues of our emotions and spirit. And when you shut one down in anyway, you are shutting yourself down and dimming your own inner light, wisdom and sensitivity that tells you what is wrong. You literally dig up more dirt on the issues that haunt you most, keeping them quiet so you don't have to deal with them.

So show love and compassion to yourself, to ALL of yourself. That will help melt the cold ice that we created to numb the pain and suffering of our lives. Our inner child, negative emotions, feelings, and voice may seem like they are vocalizing the badness of the human psyche, but they are really saying how you truly feel inside. Our hurt, pain, broken promises and suffering is simply a piece of ourselves that we refused to communicate with and withdrawn our warmth too.

Practicing Self Love

I've been doing a lot of inner work in the last few days and I can tell you this was my experience, I'll go into detail about it on a later date, but I felt an urgency to speak up and speak out for anyone that feels truly lost. If you feel like nothing works in your life, it might not be the things you are doing, but the issues that you haven't resolved in yourself that created a harsh world for you to overcome before you're worthy of true success.

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer
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