Monday, July 2, 2012

How To Make Money Love You!

How To Attarct Money

This is a special post, a post I wanted to do for a while. I wanted to talk to the angel of money once again to get more spiritual concepts, advice and tips on how people can manifest money. It's strange because for a few weeks now I really wanted to do it, especially after tackling my blocks with winning the lottery. I haven't contacted the angel of money since my last encounter with him where he showed me a method/spell to manifest more money. Since that time I have been making and manifesting more money, and even more in the last few months. Every time I make money or have a new order, I would always thank him and ask for more.

After reading this blog post by Steve Pavlina, I was SO inspired to finally contact the angel of money and speak to him about attracting more money (probably the universe's way to get me to finally stop procrastinating!). I wanted to see who he is, what he thought about money as a whole and how we can be more able to attract it in our lives.

The angel of money is a guide to those that want to attract "abundance". He was a high level spiritual guide to those that came before us (I was shown Atlantis). But now he lives today to serve and teach people advanced money manifesting techniques.

When I asked him to write through me (via automatic writing), he refused because he wanted to teach me so I can teach others. Right now, he wants to teach me his manifesting methods so that I can, in turn, teach the world.

So from here on out everything I write is what the angel of money is telling me...


There is a huge yellow stone like block on people's (the world as large) solar plexus charkas (sense of self), as well as on the heart charka (love and compassion), but it's not as intense. This is because we make money our masters, we treat money as if there is nothing else in this world mattered. If you have money, you have the world. This is what is causing us to block financial abundance, because we are giving our god given power to something that has no power at all.

The real power is in our truth, uniqueness, creativity, love and drive to serve. He's showing me the throat chakra which is the one of truth and creativity.

He says that accessing that specific charka can enhance our performance to make money happen for us. He says that we have to focus on "what we can do" at any moment, regardless if we have money or no money to manifest abundance.

Do those things that you truly want to do and make money a non-issue. This is because when you give off the "I'm happy doing this and I'm in control" vibration, when you want money, you can tell it to RUN to you.

The Angel Of Money says that even though the steps to manifest money is relatively easy, he wants to only give enough information so that people on different levels of their path can follow and understand collectively. He knows our struggles and our needs to take care of ourselves and families, so he will only take us to the "next step".

He says to make a small space to place money on. When you go to make that space, treat it as if it was a creative game. Do whatever you need to do to express yourself creatively with this money space. Don't rely on your left brain or should's, only rely on your unique creativity. Do as much or as little as you need to be fully satisfied with YOUR SPACE. Even though we are putting money in this area, this is not a place of worship.

Once you're done, place some money in your space and take a good look at it. Think about the money and what you just done creatively. What you just created, this space, was from your willingness to express yourself and values. The time and effort you put into this was also from you wanting to express yourself and values. Think about those unique qualities in yourself for about ten minutes and DON'T think about money at all. What are those things you can do more of?

Once you're ready, "look" at the money you just put there. Think of that money as just a green piece of paper. No value, no power but just what it is, a piece of green paper (or whatever color your money is). When you are thinking about the money, if any thoughts of money being a source of your well-being or the like comes up, take note. You are being gifted with the relationship you are currently having with money. Then intuitively weight the power, the vibration of the money in comparison to your creative expression. Which weights more?

If you feel that money weights more, you are putting way too much emphasizes on it. You are creating a false sense of security because you are deeming the money more powerful then you. Thus creating a world where you have to either overpower money to get it so you work hard, or making money so elusive that it only comes when it wants too, thus scarcity.

If you feel like your creative energy weights more, then you have a better chance at making money appear, but you might have to tweak some limiting beliefs on how to make money easier, or get into the right vibe where you can let money in.

In this mind set, you ARE able to attract money more easily. But you have to start changing deep beliefs, concepts, and most of all start putting yourself in the drivers seat in your life so you can command money to love you (way more then you love it). So that it will show up without your consent.

If you felt money had more weight (power) over you, don't fret, changing the way you feel about money gets easier, it just takes time.

Remind yourself that, you are a creative and powerful force. And that when you start enforcing it, money won't be a medium you can't control. Just take it one day at a time and do the same exercise everyday or as many times as you want till YOU have more weight over your life than money.

After leaving the exercise, expect money to show up in any form it chooses, even if you can't spend it. That means seeing money on billboards, signs, pictures or seeing words and concepts that relates to wealth. Another really fun way to practice manifesting money is making a game out of it, one that I noticed myself doing is manifesting coins. See how many coins you can manifest during the day. Once you get the hang of it you can start on bigger sums. Of course there will be different manifestations of it, so always keep your eye out for golden opportunities!

Another concept that is really important in any type of manifestation work is inspired action. That's when you feel "inspired" to do something. This usually feels joyful, passionate yet urgent. When you feel that inspired action, that's the universe's cue for you to do something that will help you get you to the next step of your goal! When you feel it, do it right then and there, don't stuff it down or make light of it. Even if you don't see the point or the results right when you do it, trust that it is the right thing to do. More than likely you'll lighten the load of grunt work for you to make money love and come to you.


Doing the exercise myself, money won. Even though I gave tons of great reasons on why my creative expression was so powerful, I still felt "deep inside" that money had more weight in my life. That was a hard pill to swallow, because I thought I was clearing that block, but that doesn't mean I didn't clear some of it. I just didn't get to the "core" of it.

I feel that, even though I don't put money on the top of my priority list, I still think that money make things "work", so in my reality, it DOES have power and more power than myself. Because even though I'm in control, money "really" make things happen. I'm just doing the grunt work and I have to change that. Money (society actually) does nothing but fool people that it give them everything they want, when it is the PERSON that does that. Money doesn't make things happen, make people successful or brings happiness, YOU do!

So now I'm making it my business from this point on to lessen the power I subconsciously give money. So that my creative expression can win over a few pieces of paper and metal. Thus creating a more harmonious life where in fact money loves me way more then I depend on it. :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and learned as much as I did! 

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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