Friday, July 20, 2012

Where In The Middle Of A Huge Shift

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give you guys a total heads up on what is happening with the energy now.

Do you feel uneasy, more tired than normal, more active than normal, a huge feeling of wanting to make "progress" in your life and mostly, been seeing a lot of your friends or even yourself moving into or out of relationships of all kinds. Not to mention the things that's been happening all over the country and even the world!

Well, rest assured that this is not just people or the world going crazy, but we are under HUGE HUGE energy shift.

We are going through a huge shift of energy, an energy that is CLEARING out the old so that a new energy can take place. It's probably the reason of all the sudden surges of negativity and positivity all around in the last few weeks. You can probably feel it too if you are sensitive to energies.

I feel it bad, through my spine as pain. My spine/back is where I drawn in energy (not sure if this is the same for everyone), and if I'm taking on too much energy, work or even stress, my back will start hurting immediately! Yesterday, I had strong back pain due to the energy and the stress I was putting myself under. Today was a lot better but I still feel and sense these intense energies so I still feel back pain, though not as bad. More than likely if you're a lightworker you'll be receiving this energy too as a means to help us continue our spiritual goals. You'll probably feel other's emotions and the collective a lot more strongly too since we are so open right now.

THE BIGGEST TIP FOR YOU ALL IS TO LAY LOW. The need and feel of wanting to progress is especially strong but it is because the universe is clearing out the old. This is NOT the time to be making big decisions because the energy is so chaotic and messy. You'll probably get mixed results or even be pushed back because of the nature of the energy we are in.

PLEASE take this time to rest, relax and visualize your goals and intentions! Once this high tide of energy is gone, you will FEEL the conformation from your guides and angels. I'm being led to not do anything big till this energy surge is gone. So I'm recommending the same for you all. We will get through this and I know a lot of you are seeing the bad especially on the news. Just remember that we are NOT victims, no matter what is done to us and that no matter what happens we are always safely carried by the angels. They will never leave your side!

One more thing, ask for the angels help especially in times like these. They are ahead of us so they know this is all apart of the big picture and will help you get through it if asked! Not to mention to ground yourself often, and clear out your aura as well!

I hope you all are coping well with this, I'll make sure to update again when the energy subsides and when the new energy sets in. :D

Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer

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