Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Dream About The Next Great shift And 2012?

The great shift 2012

 Yet another dream that is possibly related to 2012 and the next great energy shift.

I had this dream on Monday morning, right after the energy shift left my area and the more "angelic" energy started to settle in. It was one of those "dreams" where it exceeded an out of body experience and the dream itself was very different from 95% of the dreams would I normally have. Clearly this was a very important dream, and a dream about an important change in our world.

That night me and my friend Brandon went to bed late, around 4AM. That night I had a couple of dreams. The first dream was about a women that was sleeping over at her job because her guinea pig was stuck there. Her dog was there too. They was in bed and the girl (or me I don't know) was trying to get the blanket on her since it was cool in the room. I remember seeing the guinea pig too. It was quite cute!

This next dream started the main one off. I remember there being a hotel or a home inn, and my family or at least me was staying there. It was a random person's house but it was like we were renting or borrowing it while they came by and etc. I remember this one part that had something to do with a UFO or something outer worldly.

That's when the main dream begun. I was in the backseat of a car that was being driven down the road. There were wooded areas on top of the rocky cliffs on the side of the roads we where driving down.

I remember seeing a giant beam of white light with a UFO right in the middle of the beam. The UFO was the classic "disk" type with the bump in the middle and was silver or at least from what I can tell. The way the light was shining down on the UFO there was a rainbow that had formed. I could see it perfectly and all the colors. The light was bright and intense, but it was so far away that it didn't hurt my eyes. In fact, it was so far that the scene had a "hued" look from the clouds, where it was light pink/cream color. The sky didn't hold that realistic color, though it felt incredibly real. It was quite beautiful but I was looking at it as if my eyes where playing tricks on me. As I'm trying to see with the trees zipping by, I knew I was seeing something different and not normal at all. I didn't understand what was happening, but the scene was so awesome that I had to take a picture. I scrambled for my camera I had with me and took a quick picture.

We were still driving and I had no clue who else was in the car, or if they even noticed the scene I was seeing. That's when I started to see a smaller, fat pill like shaped UFO come out of the disk one. I started to really freak a bit. Again, I had no clue what was happening. The original UFO was still in place, it didn't move and the giant beam of light was still there. Then suddenly, it was like I was out in the middle of the road by myself and Brandon was in front of me. I remember seeing this A-bomb like missile drop right in front of me. I can see all the detail and the destruction it was causing just in that one spot alone. I remember seeing a satellite, as if it was the alien's technology they were destroying. It was like a vision but at the end it was real and I realized where I was. And for whatever reason, Brandon was there and it seemed like he walked into it. Or somehow got caught in the blast.

I was directly in the blasts path, and I could either be destroyed in it or try to run. I had this instinct to run. I knew the blast was going to catch up to me and I simply didn't want that ill fate. So I turned around and started running. As I was running I knew I was too slow, it was only a matter of time till the blast would reach me. I was yelling "angels, angels!" in hopes to get an explanation or something since I had no idea what was going on. I knew what was happening was realistic and I just didn't want to die or think that this was happening for no reason.

Then I remembered naturally about the dream I had about the tidal wave and how I flew out of it's path. Since the blast was the same as the tidal wave incident I knew that I could fly out of the path of destruction. So then I suddenly jumped and intended on flying! I started to fly upwards to avoid the blast, but I kept going ahead. I kept going till I was at this building. I remembered seeing a few other men and women around my age going inside before me. They were standing there floating about while I was still trying to get a handle on my flying. In the dream, I knew that we were there to protect the building, but not just the building but the world. The parts that we needed to protect from the missile blast.

Then just like that, I woke up.

This is the additional insight and feelings I've gotten that I also typed out that morning.

I was shaken to my core when I woke up because of what I seen, it's scary. But on a deeper level I knew that there was nothing to fear. Even now, I'm not paranoid or anything like that, I just feel my natural reactions to it which is fear. On a deeper intuitive level, I know this is all good, my higher self feels good about it. This is all for everyone's benefit, it is what we are asking for.

I feel like also that, I was the "key" of it all. Almost like an electric transformer, or the "gate" to the result. Which reminds me of that dream I had earlier that week. It confirmed that I AM a gate between this world's spirituality and the fully manifested one on the "other side". I had that dream a few nights ago. It wasn't really a dream but it was one of those nights where I woke up and fell back to sleep with insights and knowing. Somehow, I knew that I am a gate and somehow it was fully confirmed for me.

The most interesting part of that fact is I'm a channel and medium, but those things has nothing to do with the gate concept. The divine is talking about something different completely in its most rawest form. I have no idea what that is, how it is done or how it will manifest once the time finally comes. I just know that I have an important role to play in "all this" and in a way that I probably won't see coming.

But again, I felt like I was in the middle of the event itself, like the grand finale. Like all of "this" was happening so that I can do what I needed to do. To perhaps bring in the new world? It completely related to a dream I had before that clearly expresses change/2012(?) and my role in it. I never posted that dream (or what lead up to it) but I'll probably do that soon.

Also, I feel like those people (I honestly don't feel like they were people at all but other beings) and me, where there to protect "places" so that they wouldn't be destroyed in the blasts. Yet somehow, it seemed like they where ahead of me since they just knew what to do and I was the one stumbling around.

Another part of this dream is the UFOs. Normally, I never have dreams about UFO's so when I do, it's always important. The feeling I get is that the UFOs had nothing to do with negativity, it was helping us along. Even when the second spaceship emerged and was setting off it's course. I know inside that, this isn't evil, they are simply helping us.

The dream as a whole again, is NOT negative, even if the images are. My spirit guide Joe said that it could be a means for me to take this dream seriously. So it is not what happened that I need to worry about, but the core essences in the dream I need to take stride in. Not just that but what I intuitively feel inside. And I don't feel like this is an adverse event. It is what I and even the whole world has been waiting for. Maybe this is the beginning of that. Or maybe I reached a new point in my own spirituality that I am able to get more clues about my path and it's relation to the new world, 2012 or whatever. I did just get rewired in the recent energy shift, and this same type of dream happened last year too, so this is just the "next" step of it all.

In any event. I shouldn't fear because my inner guidance isn't telling me to fear but be happy for what is to come. This is what I and the whole world wanted!

Take what you may from this dream, but I know that the bigger picture is slowly being revealed to me. I don't have all the answers of course, but things are getting clearer and more understandable. 

♥♥♥ Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ♥♥♥

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