Monday, July 23, 2012

Global Shift Aftermath

Global Enegry Shift 2012

 Hey everyone!

It's been 3 days since my original post about the global shifting of energies, so I figured it was time for an update!

As far as my area, the high tide of the shift has passed. That night when I posted about the shift originally, I finally was unhooked from the immense energy stream I was connected too. No sooner then that happened I felt normal again. Though I still had work to be done in my body, but the worst was over.

Depending where you are, you may still feel that intense energy but it all should settle down this week, though we are not out of the woods yet haha. In the heat of the intense energy you may be craving meat... bad, even if it's not in your diet currently. This is because your are instinctively trying to keep yourself grounded so you won't be up in the chaotic energy. You also might be overeating as a means to keep yourself grounded for the same reasons. I was doing both, I wanted to feel full so I was trying to eat what I could. Also, two nights ago I was craving meat in a way that I haven't felt in a long time. After the shift passed my area the craving was gone like it never happened.

If you are going through this random change of diet and do not want to eat meat, eat oats, grains and other earthy foods as such. Those are very grounding as well as healthy for you. It can make you feel full so you don't have to resort to overeating or breaking your no meat rule. However, if you don't have access to that, eat what you can. This won't last long and you are only acting on your instinct which is vital to follow right now!

You may also be craving salty and sugary junk foods and drinks. Again, this is a means to ground yourself and even be sluggish so you won't do anything to put more hurt on your body though action.

After the most intense part of the shift is done, you will feel normal again and a lot of the symptoms will fizzle out or decease in intensity.

Even though you will feel a lot better, don't go doing anything rash just yet. The energies are still active and chaotic but not as intense as it was. On top of that if you were on the receiving end of these energies, there will be work to be done with you still. Take it easy, dream about your desires, and rest. You'll probably have an instinct to go back up "higher" through eating fresh and natural foods, mediation and other means to connect to the universe. Do it because you are being moved to expand yourself and do further inner work. That and so the divine can also work on your energy levels and rewiring. You might feel pain here and there, be unproductive and the like but this will be normal. Take everything in stride and don't do anything you don't need to do.

That early Sunday morning I woke up and was incredibly scattered and emotional. It was like "I" was shifting between old and new and the process of it was manifesting in my emotional and mental state. My ankles was also hurting bad since I was out that whole day before, though my ankles was never sore as a result. I was still craving meat and wanted to eat and feel full. Luckily, eating something wholesome, drinking a sweet lemonade and inducing color healing in my ankles did me so much good! The pain in my ankles decease considerably and I was ready to go back to bed. That morning, especially after I slept in more than normal, I felt soo good!

More than likely you will feel a lot stronger and as if you can "take" a lot more then ever before! I felt a peace and a newest in the air though the energy was still active. It felt "angelic" haha! I also had some intense dreams last night. Which you may be experiencing too. Write them down if they are really stimulating because it is the divine trying to let you know something important.

Even now, I feel a lot better but I'm not yet "complete" enough to really test my new energy levels. I still need lots of rest and just go with the flow with everything. Even thought I had some plans I wanted to carry out, I feel that I should still wait till I get the green light.

I highly suggest that you all do the same too. We have a lot of work being done to our bodies as a means to help us carry out our goals. I feel like once this is "finally" over we will be able to manifest a lot quicker! And somehow be more able to manifest and connect with like minded people like never before (thus the social shifting in the last few months!)

So take it easy, relax, and enjoy what is being presented! In time, things will get easier and for most of us the hardest part is now over! We just have to keep listening to our inner guidance because it knows what it is doing! Logic will not work in this moment!

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps!

♥♥♥ Inner Child, The Divine Whisperer ♥♥♥

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